LOADING... Can you answer these 21 questions, that every American should know?

Can you answer these 21 questions, that every American should know?

LOADING... Which actor or actress could play the leading role in a movie about you?

Which actor or actress could play the leading role in a movie about you?

LOADING... Which famous composer are you?

Which famous composer are you?

LOADING... Which flower is your soul?

Which flower is your soul?

LOADING... Which of the four Marauders from Harry Potter are you?

Which of the four Marauders from Harry Potter are you?

LOADING... What´s in your head?

What´s in your head?

LOADING... Which Bollywood beauty do you look alike?

Which Bollywood beauty do you look alike?

LOADING... What does your partner's name mean?

What does your partner's name mean?

LOADING... What does the month that you were born in say about your personality?

What does the month that you were born in say about your personality?

LOADING... Which color is your ego?

Which color is your ego?

LOADING... Can you correctly spell these 10 most frequently misspelled words?

Can you correctly spell these 10 most frequently misspelled words?

LOADING... Which of the 8 types of Americans are you?

Which of the 8 types of Americans are you?