Valp är ledsen i djurhemmet tills dess att hon återförenas med brandmannen som räddade henne från vanvård

Apr 07, 2019 by apost team

När den här stackars valpen räddades från vädrets makter av en snäll brandman skapade hon ett band till honom som ingen kunde bryta. När de återförenades kunde hon inte ha varit lyckligare!

Chunkie -- the pup in question -- was a pit bull who was found sick and tied up by Fire Station 14 firefighter Mike Thawley. She was out in the rain, all alone, when he found her. Not wanting to see the animal succumb to the elements Mike took it upon himself to save the poor creature.

After he cleaned her, Mike brought her to the Front Street Animal Shelter in Sacramento. There she was given medical attention and was treated for her mange by the staff. After she was checked up she was given a comfy bit of clothing to protect her skin.

The pup was obviously grateful for Mike saving her as she formed a tight bond with him. He had dropped her off at the shelter and then left. She missed him dearly. After all he was the man who had saved her life.

Mike wouldn't be gone long, however. The very next day Mike returned to the shelter and was reunited with the extremely excited young pup. Luckily for us, this reunion between Mike and Chunkie was filmed for others to enjoy.

To make things even better it was revealed that Mike had spoken to his family about Chunkie, and they went over the possibility of fostering her. Followers are hoping that Mike's family agrees to the suggestion and they give Chunkie a loving new home. The video is one of the sweetest things you will ever see.

Not only is it a touching reunion between a puppy and the man who saved her life, but it is further proof that pit bulls aren't all monsters but rather happy, loving souls if treated with kindness.

Spread the word to others so that they too can have their hearts warmed by this sweet little moment. What did you think of this video? Let us know!