Elvis Presleys ekskone Priscilla ser fabelaktig ut i dag i en alder av 75
Jan 05, 2021 by apost team
Priscilla Ann Presley fyller 75 i år. Skuespillerinnen fra New York er best kjent for å være ekskonen til “The King of Rock n’ Roll”, den avdøde Elvis Presley, men har levd sitt eget liv uten ham i 43 år. Les videre for å se hvordan hun ser ut i dag.

“Jeg ville bare dø.” Dette var ordene til of Priscilla Ann Presley etter at hun fikk vite at eksmannen, Elvis Presley, var død. De to hadde vært skilt i fire år, men Priscilla fortsatte og si at han var “kjærligheten i [hennes] liv.” I et intervju fra 2016 , sa Priscilla: "Det var ikke fordi at jeg ikke elsket ham at jeg skilte meg. Han var mitt livs store kjærlighet, men jeg måtte ut i verden". Skilsmissen var et faktum 9. oktober 1973, og Elvis døde 16. august 1977.
De møttes i Tyskland da Elvis var i militæret. Priscilla og familien hennes flyttet til Tyskland, fordi faren som jobbet i det amerikanske luftforsvaret, ble stasjonert der.


Forholdet deres var kontroversielt: Priscilla var bare 14 år gammel da hun begynte å date Elvis. Det var også viden kjent at Elvis påvirket henne mye som tenåring, fikk henne til å kle seg og se ut slik han ville, ofte slik at det matchet hans egen stil. Da paret fortsatt var gift, bodde de i Memphis i delstaten Tennessee, i huset som er kjent som "Graceland". De har bare ett barn sammen, Lisa-Marie Presley, som ble født da Priscilla var 23 år gammel. Tidlig i 1972, forlot Priscilla Elvis, på grunn av presset fra levestilen hans..
Elvis ble aldri den samme etter at han og Priscilla skilte lag. Innen Elvis ble 42 år gammel, hadde han en rekke helseproblemer som til slutt gjorde at han døde 1977. Etter skilsmissen møtte Elvis Ginger Alden, de ble forlovet. Det var Ginger som fant han liggende på badegulvet i hjemmet sitt. Obduksjonen viste at Elvis døde av hjertestans. Han var overvektig og gikk på ganske mange medisiner.

Priscilla har hatt en rekke romantiske forhold etter hun og Elvis gikk hver sin vei. Etter skilsmissen kom hun ganske raskt sammen med Mike Stone, en karateinstruktør som underviste både henne og Elvis, som nevnt i boken Black Belt, men forholdet tok slutt kort tid etter, i 1975. Etter dette var hun i en rekke forhold med velkjente personer, slik som fotografen Terry O’Neill og advokaten Robert Kardashian. Priscillas lengste forhold hittil, var med Marco Garibaldi, de var sammen i 22 år. Garibaldi er en italiensk manusforfatter som ble dataprogrammerer, ifølge Biography. De har en sønn sammen, Navarone Anthony Garibaldi, en 33 år gammel musiker.
Mirror rapporterte i 2017 at Priscilla dated Tom Jones, den walisiske sangeren. Det er uklart om det fremdeles er noe mellom de to, men om Priscilla, har Tom sagt: “Vi har vært venner i lang tid”. “Hun er en nydelig dame”, la han til. “Vi nyter nettene sammen”. Ifølge avisen, var Tom en nær venn av Elvis og tilbrakte tid sammen med både han og Priscilla på 60- og 70-tallet.

Det har vært et tøft år for alle på grunn av pandemien, og Priscilla opplevde en tragedie i fjor, da barnebarnet Benjamin Keough, tok sitt eget liv den 12. juli 2020. Priscilla skrev på Facebook for å uttrykke sin hjertesorg etter Benjamins død, hun skrev:
“Dette er en av de mørkeste dagene for familien”, skrev Priscilla . “Sjokket over å miste Benjamin er knusende", fortsatte hun. "Det å prøve og sette sammen alle brikkene for å få svar på hvorfor dette skjedde, gjennomtrenger sjelen min. Hver dag jeg våkner, ber jeg om at det skal bli bedre.”

Priscilla fremhevet også den enorme smerten resten av familien hennes opplevde. “Jeg tenker på min datter og smerten hun går igjennom, hun var en så dedikert mor”, skrev hun om datteren, Lisa-Marie Presley.
“Bens far, Danny, er helt knust, ettersom Ben var hans eneste sønn. Riley, så kjærlig og tilknyttet han, Harper og Finley som absolutt forgudet Ben. Navarone, som sliter hardt med tap og død”.

Det er lenge siden Priscilla hun var “Elvis sin levende dukke”, som hun beskrev seg selv som. Borte er dagene da han fikk henne til å farge håret svart som sitt, og fikk henne til å sette opp håret på en måte som matchet hans pompadur. Men det var det som gjorde henne til et moteikon. Og nå som hun nærmer seg 75 ser hun slett ikke så verst ut.

In recent years Priscilla Presley has found her footing in philanthropy and charitable work. An avid animal lover, especially of horses, in 2013 she spoke out against the Tennessee Ag-Gag Bill, writing about her and Elvis Presley’s love of horses and her worries that the bill would reduce protections for many farm animals, including horses. Just this last December she posted on her Instagram about stopping the abuse of horse soring. In her post, she urged fellow activists to write to their senators to get the law changed. She has also used her platform to advocate for the protection of dogs, wolves, lions, monkeys and other animals. It's always heartwarming to see a celebrity use their voice to do good, especially when it's for our furry friends who otherwise aren't able to speak up for themselves.
Alongside her animal activism, Priscilla Presley is also an ambassador for the Dream Foundation. She's been involved with the foundation since 2003, which grants wishes to terminally ill adults and their families. Apparently, she learned of the organization, which is the only one of its kind that works with adults, after helping to grant some of the recipients' wishes to visit Graceland.
Priscilla Presley was actually the co-executor of the entire Presley Estate before Lisa Marie came of age, assuming the role after the death of Elvis Presley’s father, Vernon Presley, in 1979. On her official website, it states how much of an influence Priscilla Presley has had on the estate, writing,
"She has since brought the Presley Estate from a burgeoning entity into a phenomenally successful organization consisting of the famous Graceland Mansion, a worldwide licensing program, merchandising, music publishing and television and video projects."

Interestingly, Priscilla Presley, along with her late daughter Lisa Presley, were only a few of the people allowed to enter the upstairs area of Elvis Presley’s Graceland mansion. Elvis Presley had a master suite on the second floor of the house, which was his private refuge, where only the closest of his friends would be allowed. It's also there, in his bathroom, where his body was found after his death. When Graceland was opened to the public in 1982, the second floor was closed off out of respect to Elvis Presley’s family and to avoid unsavory attention towards the location of his death.
In the decades that have passed, the upstairs has gained a lot of attention and a kind of myth around it. For example, there are rumors that the bedroom suite hasn't been changed since he died, with everything as it was when he passed. On top of that, no authentic high-quality photos have been released, while nobody is allowed to enter, except for Priscilla Presley and previously Lisa Marie, as well as the curator of Graceland.
Notable people, including presidents and foreign dignitaries, have all tried to gain access but haven't been lucky. However, funnily enough, one notable but seemingly random celebrity has been there — Nicholas Cage, when he was married to Lisa Presley in the 2000s.

But beyond upholding her ex-husband's legacy and her charitable work, she's also managed to have an acting career of her own. She famously starred on the soap opera “Dallas” from 1983-1988, playing the role of Jenna Wade. She was also memorable in the “Naked Gun” movie series, which allowed her to show another side of her acting talents, this time focusing on comedy. In the 1990s, she also had small guest roles on “Melrose Place” and “Spin City.”
However, her acting career could have taken off much earlier had it not been for Elvis Presley. Supposedly he believed that "a woman's place was in the home looking after her man" — a fairly common belief at the time, but one that the rock star held on to, having no intention of letting his wife have a career of her own. Hollywood producer Hal B. Wallis, who was behind many of Elvis Presley’s early films, had been interested in signing Priscilla Presley to a contract, but it never came to be. She had been interested in dancing and modeling but kept her interests as minor hobbies rather than real career pursuits. She was even offered the role of one of the angels in “Charlie's Angels,” however, she turned it down as she didn't like the show.
Despite her life being very much influenced by her incredibly famous ex-husband, Priscilla Presley has managed to achieve a lot over the course of it. From eventually following her own dreams and acting, to her continued charitable work, she is both an inspiration in how she conducts herself as well as how incredible she looks at 78.

One little known fact about Priscilla Presley is that she was a contestant on ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars” back in 2008. For the show’s sixth season, she joined forces with Dutch-American ballroom dancer Louis Van Amstel.
The show’s sixth season included female contestants tennis champion Monica Seles, actress Shannon Elizabeth, Academy Award-winning actress Marlee Matlin, Tony-award winning actress Marissa Jaret Winokur and Olympic gold medalist Kristi Yamaguchi. Meanwhile, the men’s side featured football player Jason Taylor, South American actor Cristian de la Fuente, actor Steve Guttenberg, radio host Adam Carolla, pop singer Mario and magician Penn Jillette.
In an ABC interview before the show’s premiere, Priscilla Presley told reporters that she did have some previous dancing experience in ballet.
"I danced a little. I took jazz, which is completely different from ballroom dancing," Priscilla Presley told ABC. "There's a little dancing in all of us."
Naturally, Priscilla Presley’s partner and coach was excited to work with the star regardless of her experience.
"We met two days ago. We did a little bit of foxtrot. She's going to be a surprise," Louis Van Amstel said. "I'm so excited. I mean come on, it's Priscilla Presley."

Unfortunately, Priscilla Presley wasn’t able to overcome the sixth season’s tough competition, and she was eliminated during the fifth round. According to PEOPLE, she lost points and was eliminated due to her Viennese Waltz performance, which led to a score of only 22. The magazine further reports that when Tom Bergeron, the show’s host, told her the news, Presley hugged her partner and thanked the show for “an incredible life-changing experience.”
Interestingly enough, viewers who have seen Priscilla Presley’s appearances will notice that she never danced to any Elvis Presley songs. And it turns out that this was intentional. According to ABC, Priscilla Presley agreed to be on the show, but she also specifically requested not to have to dance to her late ex-husband’s music.
"I just don't really think that would be appropriate," she told ABC.
Since Priscilla Presley’s loss on the show, the 78-year-old has avoided the spotlight. Save for her Instagram account, where she has more than 200,000 followers, it’s difficult to find out what the star is up to. With that said, her IMDb page does give us some hints. For example, her most recent appearance was in a 2016 music video for Them Guns’ song “Muffins.” The music video, which heavily features the streets of Hollywood and the radio host Rodney Bingenheimer, follows the radio star as he drives to a bakery to pick up a muffin. As Bingenheimer leaves, he runs into none other than Priscilla Presley.
Although appearances like these are certainly interesting — especially for fans of the Presleys — we can also understand why Priscilla Presley wants to fly under the radar. Ever since she was a young woman, she’s been in the spotlight. And now, as she approaches 76, it’s no wonder that she wants a bit of peace and quiet.

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