Woman's Brunette To Playful Blonde Transition Looks Sensational

Lap 04, 2020 by apost team

Jesse Brown from Wayzata, Minnesota, was tired of feeling middle-aged, so the 57-year-old sought help from The Makeover Guy to put a spring back in her step and give her the youthful boost she was longing for.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Jesse was fed up with her look and was "bored of feeling middle-aged." When asked how old she feels, Jesse responded, "I am 57... I feel about 37." It's not unusual for people to feel much younger at heart than they look, but sometimes they want their style to match their youthful feelings.

It's easy for people to get into their comfort zone, especially later in life, and forget the potential they have. That's what The Makeover Guy is here for–he reminds people of their potential.


When discussing what she'd like from the look, Jesse revealed she wants something "more playful, more contemporary." She wanted to be able to really care about her style again and feel uplifted by her appearance, not brought down by it.

She also mentioned she'd like to learn how to play with her hair more. She will definitely get that opportunity now because The Makeover Guy has transformed her once brown locks into a cute blonde bob!

The Makeover Guy, real name Christopher Hopkins, decided to go for an extreme for this makeover. Jesse, who has always been a brunette, was given a radical change of hair color–she is now blonde. The haircut has movement, volume, and he even cut a fringe into the style!

When Jesse saw it she couldn't believe her eyes! When The Makeover Guy says "Look at that girl in the mirror." Jesse can't help but declare: "I don't even know her!"

Jesse couldn't stop playing with her hair, fluffing it up and tossing it from side to side. "Mess it up a little, you know, it's ok to be a little messy. I'm gonna work on it, it's a constant work in progress," she remarked after the surprise of her new look had settled.

From this, we've learned that it's ok for life to be a bit messy and that things don't always have to be perfect, but the main thing is that you have fun, and keep working towards feeling your best!

What do you think about Jesse's makeover? Have you ever had a drastic hair color change? Let us know below!

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