A kismama büszkén pózol hatalmas pocakjával a fotózáson, nem sejtve, hogy titkos lánykérést szerveztek számára

Ápr 06, 2019 by apost team

Az elmúlt években rengeteg modern kismama fotózással találkozhattunk az interneten.

Néha azonban, egy-egy fotózás mögött több rejlik, mint a családjának és barátainak, a növekvő pocakjával büszkélkedő kismama.

Expecting her second baby, Jazzy was excited to have pictures taken at a waterfall. She would be joined by her daughter and her boyfriend. Rich had another surprise in mind for Jazzy that would turn the entire photo shoot around.

The shoot took place when Jazzy was very close to her due date. There had been rain in the area, but it seemed to hold off for a while so that the pictures of the family could be made. The sun even peeked out from behind the clouds for a short time. Jazzy wore a pink dress and had her makeup done so that she looked like a beautiful angel.


Jazzy, her daughter, and Rich walked along a trail until they got to the location where their pictures would be taken. There was a waterfall in the background and several tall trees that provided a beautiful backdrop for the family.

Soon, Rich took his girlfriend by her hand. Jazzy thought that it was all a part of the photo shoot. She had her back to him, and when she finally turned around, she saw the special surprise that Rich was holding in his hand.

Jazzy's cries of joy as she sees what Rich wants to ask her just before she gives birth to their second child. Do you know someone who had the same experience? We want to hear the story. Pass this on to your friends and family - you might just make someone's day!