Pieni cowgirl voitti sydämet puolelleen jodlauksellaan

Elo 06, 2020

Mitä tulee musiikkiin, country lienee musiikkityyleistä amerikkalaisin. Kun keskiverto ihminen ajattelee countrymusiikkia, mieleen nousee kuvia vanhasta lännestä, jossa cowboyt pitivät valtaa, mahdollisuuksia oli kaikkialla ja rajaseutua riitti pilvin pimein. Siinä missä perinteistä countryakin kuulee tänä päivänä, genre on viime vuosina monipuolistunut hurjasti. Yksi kiinnostavimmista uusista tulokkaista on oklahomalainen cowgirl nimeltä Ezrah Noelle. Nuori Ezrah astui countrymusiikin kentälle v. 2010. Kahdeksanvuotiaana Ezrah oli jo raivannut itselleen nimeä viraaliksi levinneen videon välityksellä.

Pieni tyttö esitti “I Want to Be a Cowboy Sweetheart” kappaleen Centennial Rodeo Opryssa Oklahoma Cityn Stockyards Citylla, raportoi Newsner. “I Want to Be a Cowboy Sweetheart” esitettiin alunperin Ruby Blevinsin toimesta v. 1935. Blevins tunnetaan paremmin nimellä Patsy Montana, joka myös kirjoitti kappaleen.

Mitä tulee countrymusiikin historiaan, Blevins on hahmona erityinen, sillä nainen oli ensimmäinen naislaulaja, jonka albumia myytiin yli miljoona kappaletta. 'I Want to Be a Cowboy Sweetheart' kappaletta on nauhoitettu useiden countrymusiikin suuruuksien toimesta, mukaan lukien Dixie Chicks, Cyndi Lauper ja LeAnn Rimes.


Given the song’s storied history, Ezrah knew that she had a lot to live up to when she stepped up to the microphone. Looking every bit like a cowgirl, Ezrah wore knee-high cowboy boots and a cowboy hat with a jean skirt and pink plaid blouse.

Accompanied by a band of much older musicians, Ezrah did Blevins proud. While the audience was impressed by her sweet voice, they were amazed by her yodeling skills. Casual listeners may not be aware that yodeling is a very rare skill among even professional musicians. To yodel, the singer must rapidly change pitch from low to high. Little Ezrah even begins dancing from side to side as she yodels, never once losing her pitch even as the band ups the tempo.

Throughout her performance, the audience at the Centennial Rodeo Opry cheer on young Ezrah. Once the performance is over, the crowd gives Ezrah the biggest applause imaginable as the little girl lets out a triumphant “Yeehaw!”

Just as the crowd at the Centennial Rodeo Opry loved Ezrah’s performance, so too do viewers on the internet. A video of Ezrah’s singing was later posted to YouTube, where it has been watched nearly 200,000 times. Most users can’t get enough of Ezrah’s amazing talent, congratulating her on her yodeling skills and predicting that she has a bright future in the country music industry.

Since her appearance at the Centennial Rodeo Opry, Ezrah retains her love of music. The now teenage girl frequently posts videos of her singing skills to YouTube, where she has over 55,000 subscribers. Ezrah was also featured in a 2016 episode of "Little Big Shots," a variety show on NBC, reports Newsner.

All in all, Ezrah’s performance of “I Want to Be a Cowboy Sweetheart” is proof positive of how talent can be found in anyone regardless of age. Although a young person, Ezrah’s rendition of the classic song brought her into the hearts of music lovers everywhere.

What do you think of Ezrah’s performance? Are you excited to see what the future holds for the young girl in the country music industry?