Young Refugee Boy Sings Celine Dion Classic So Wonderfully He Has Judges Standing On Their Chairs
Mar 26, 2020 by apost team
It’s heartbreaking to think that some children are forced to grow up in countries where war, poverty, and uncertainty are all they’ve ever known. Unfortunately, many children around the world are forced into this lifestyle from a young age. That’s exactly why this young boy, Abu, and his family decided to escape their native home, Afghanistan.
With his parents and siblings, Abu left the rest of their extended family and the only country he’d ever known behind. Even though Abu had a rough childhood, the song performed on The Voice in 2018 always remained in his heart.

Abu tried to make the best of his new situation, despite the culture shock of moving to a new country and the struggle of trying to make new friends. Most days, Abu remained optimistic about his new life, but he never wanted to forget the hardships that his family had been through and how strong they had been for him.
When The Voice Kids announced they were doing auditions, Abu was thrilled.

He was passionate about music and wanted to share his enthusiasm with the world while bringing light to the struggles that refugees go through. To convey this message, Abu decided to sing “My Heart Will Go On,” a classic song by Celine Dion that would highlight his hopefulness towards the future.

Immediately after Abu began singing, all of the judges instantly flipped their chairs. None of them were willing to miss out on such a beautiful voice from this strong young boy. Although his voice is as smooth as an angel’s, his passion bleeds through the song and his voice shocked and moved the entire audience. It’s a blessing to know that Abu’s strong heart got recognition from each and every judge and audience member.

The compassionate, touching moment is something so precious in today’s harsh and judgmental world. See Abu’s performance and prepared to be amazed at the young refugee’s talent.
Is someone cutting onions in here? That was such a beautiful performance! If you loved it too, show it to your friends and family.