Young Girl's Drawing Reveals To Parents That A Priest Molested Her
Aug 14, 2018 by apost team
The sight of the accident was Minas Gerais, Brazil. Parents were in shock when they found out that a priest molested their daughter, discovering the crime by examining their daughter's drawings. The drawings revealed what the priest had done to her. The young child had taken the time to sketch out the sexual assault, only showing how deeply it cut into her mind.
Joao da Silva, an English teacher, is the name of the priest. The child's parents began to wonder why their child refused to attend his classes. Together, the husband and wife decided to take their daughter to the psychologist. The psychologist began to suspect that the child was a victim of sexual assault. He also told the parents that there may be clues in the child's room. The parents took his advice and went home to search their daughter's room.
The psychologist was right. Hidden in some books were drawings depicting the sexual assault. One drawing shows an aroused man looking at a child, a different one shows a girl in bed with a man creeping on top of her. A total of six drawings were found in the child's room, but those two were the most disturbing.
The father of the child confronted the priest via phone call. He then called the police and told them that the priest confessed to the crime. The priest was immediately questioned about the crime. Maia, of the Delegation for Stopping Crimes Against Women, in an interview, said: "[The drawing] that caught our attention shows the face of a naked man with an erect penis."
It seems to be becoming a more common occurrence for priests, who are in a position of power over children, to abuse that power. Some of the most trusted men in our communities turn out to be sexual predators, and the response is all the same. People think that they knew him, but it turns out they really didn't. This is just one of the hundreds of cases of priests taking advantage of the innocence of children. from all over the world responded to the sexual assault. One man called the so-called priest a man who fails to understand what his true role is. Others reminded everyone that this one man's action does not reflect an entire religion. Some others had completely different points of view, one individual even said: "Never leave a child alone with a priest."
No matter how you feel about the issues plaguing the Church, you have to agree that this is a heartbreaking story. The importance of outing these ill-minded priests has never been more important. Be sure to spread the word about the behavior of Joao da Silva and others like him. Show this article to your friends and family to make sure this priest doesn't see the light of day ever again.