Young Couple Light Up Stage With Fun Swing Dance

Jul 27, 2020 by apost team

As dance partners since 2015, Sondre Olsen-Bye and Tanya Georgeiievska have been traveling and dancing together for years. Their love for dancing brought them to this year's annual Rock That Swing Festival  in Munich, Germany.

Fans sure are glad they decided to compete in this dance competition, as they watched in awe of the power and grace Olsen-Byn and Georgeiievska displayed in their routine.

Performing live among 76 other dance instructors, these two were just simply doing what they love to do. In the Deutsches Theater in Munich, Germany, audience members got to see just how compatible a couple these two were as they danced and swung together in rhythmic perfection.

As Natural as Can be on the Dance Floor

Featuring dancers of all levels, from novice to expert, this dance festival brings out the best in the participating dancers. Held for its 15th year, the Rock That Swing Festival incorporated 15 bands and 76 dancers over a 4-day period. What was even better?

The event took place in the beautiful country of Germany. Dancing to "Sentimental Journey" by Wilbert Harrison, Sondre and Tanya appeared in matching outfits looking happy as ever. Boasting smiles that radiated throughout their entire appearance, this dance couple felt right at home in front of a large audience.

A Swing Dance Like You've Never Seen Before

Quick feet, enticing hip movements, and rhythmic melody kept audience members on the edge of their seats, wondering what these two would do next. The number of years of practice and dedication is apparent in the skilled techniques that Sondre and Tanya displayed right there on the dance floor. As residents of Warsaw, Poland, these two have been dancing since they were very young.

From the ages of 4 and 5, Sondre and Tanya have racked up an arsenal of awards and titles during the span of their dancing career. Though they are very accomplished dancers individually, these two have also excelled as a couple winning several awards and titles as partners, too.

Moving as One

One of the most difficult parts of dancing with a partner is being able to time your movements just right and dance as though you are one unit. Sondre and Tanya seem to have nailed this concept, each one dipping when the other is swaying and vice versa.

Keeping their bodies separate but their movements in sync as a whole, these two dancers create an illusion of togetherness that most will never experience in their lifetime. To the joy of audience members, the enjoyment noted by their facial expressions makes their dancing even more captivating.

If you enjoyed the video of Sondre Olsen-Bye and Tanya Georgeiievska performing at the annual Rock That Swing Festival, Let your friends know about it to bring enjoyment to their day!