You Will Marry Mr. Right At This Age (According To Your Zodiac)
Dec 11, 2018 by apost team
You alone decide who you're going to date, whom you marry or if you even want to marry at all. Nobody should try to dictate this for you. Always listen to your heart and take as much time as you need. Not even your friends or family should pressure you about when it's the right time!
Even experienced astrologists cannot correctly predict when it's going to happen, as not only the stars but also your personal circumstances are a factor in this. But since every zodiac sign shapes certain character traits, they can say who is more likely to marry young and who is more likely to marry at a later time in life.
This Is The Age At Which The Zodiac Signs Marry:
Aquarius (21 January - 19 February)
This zodiac sign likes to stay in motion and wants to experience it all. Unfortunately, this means an Aquarius may need some more time to find someone who can keep their pace. Even a wedding ring won't make the Aquarius calm down. They like to marry starting at the early or mid-30s, sometimes even later.
Pisces (20 February - 20 March)
Pisces are said to be faithful and passionate. It's important to them that everything feels right about their love. Even if a Pisces meets their partner early on in life, they often marry in their late 20s.
Aries (21 March - 20 April)
A fiery temper and decisions made on gut instinct - that's the typical Aries. If their gut tells them something, an Aries doesn't question it. Often this zodiac marries in a surprise move. Aries are often married by their early 20s.
Taurus (21 April - 20 May)
A zodiac sign full of ambition. Even when a Taurus feels ready for marriage, they may fear that their career might suffer from it. During the late 30s, this fear abates, and the Taurus starts thinking about marriage.
Gemini (21 May - 21 June)
Two hearts beat together for this zodiac sign. One of them is euphoric and ready to follow its emotions, but the other can be sluggish. So it's not unusual that a Gemini needs a few years more until they're ready. Often this happens in their mid-30s.
Cancer (22 June - 22 July)
Cancers are family-oriented, loyal and very emotional. Nearly no other zodiac sign wants to have a secure family as much as they - unfortunately, Cancers are also overly intellectual and constantly weighing their options. This constant second-guessing keeps the Cancer from their marriage. This also makes it hard to estimate whether a Cancer will marry at all. In many cases, fears and needs balance each other out around the mid-30s.
Leo (23 July - 23 August)
Leos are family people who love to care for others and be cared for. They live for the moment instead of planning ahead. This means a marriage often happens suddenly and early on, around their early 20s.
Virgo (24 August - 23 September)
This zodiac sign would rather listen to their head than their heart. Diligent, strategic and sensible - these adjectives describe a Virgo the best. It often takes until their late 30s, early 40s until this zodiac sign listens to their feelings and starts feeling comfortable with marriage.
Libra (24 September - 23 October)
A Libra yearns for harmony. Adventures and excitement aren't really their thing. As soon as a Libra has found the right partner, they are ready to say yes.
Quite a lot of them are already married in their early 20s.
Scorpio (24 October - 22 November)
The wary Scorpio has trouble dealing with marriage. While they are a very loyal partner, it might take a lot of time until they feel ready for the walk to the altar. Quite often Scorpios marry in their 40s or 50s.
Saggittarius (23 November - 21 December)
Saggittarius like to hedge their bets, always on the lookout for another partner that might fit even better. Often they only find the harmony they need for marriage in their mid-30s.
Capricorn (22 December - 20 January)
This zodiac sign is very tough and goal-oriented. Only once their career is established will a Capricorn look for a spouse. Lots of Capricorns don't marry before they hit 40.
Can you see yourself in the description of your zodiac sign? Or do you finally understand why your partner hasn't yet asked the big question? Are lots of your friends rather shy or did somebody marry very suddenly? Show them this article!