You Are Going To Regret Losing The Woman Who Loved You Too Much
Aug 21, 2018 by apost team
When you find the right girl, take care of her and show her you love her and need her. If you treat her badly, eventually she will leave. Do not risk losing her only to find yourself thinking about her all the time and wishing you could go back in time to change your actions. There are some girls in this world you could spend the rest of your life trying to replace and still not succeed. Some girls are simply one of a kind.
When She Leaves
You had a girl that would never think about making you wait. You will realize she is no longer next to in the morning because she is with someone else. She will choose someone who wants her and shows her more love than you ever did. Even if you see her in the future, she is not going to care. She may be so happy she will not even notice you are there. She will look the same but the difference is she will not be with you anymore.
The Way She Looked At You
She will not look you in the eye the way she once did. She will not drool when she sees you and her heart will not skip a beat. The romance will be gone because you never gave back the love she shared. She will begin to love herself and be so much happier. You will see the confidence she did not have when you were together because you threatened it. You are going to feel regret for not loving her the way she deserved. You will never have the chance to get her back.
The Way She Loved You
Your regret will grown when you realize she loved you wholeheartedly and convincingly. She made you her center of attention and was always happy to talk about you. She rushed to reply when you sent something to her phone. You did not think she was worth your time so you rarely replied to her calls. You will look at old mementos and pictures and appreciate your times together in a way you never did. You will start remembering all the little things and realize you were stupid for letting her walk away.
Missing The Girl
You will miss her thoughtfulness and the way she checked on you to make sure you were all right. You will miss her telling you she loved you even though you never paid attention before. This is when you will be the most vulnerable and your emotions will crash all around you. The thought of finding someone else will make you feel remorse and you will regret losing her. She simply loved you too much. You will wallow in sadness and regret because she has moved on. You let go of a girl who loved you like no other ever did or ever will. You are the loser and it will be hard to move on. everyone is lucky enough to find the right girl and have her love. You have to love her the right way now or she will be gone and there will be a hole in your life and regret in your heart that never existed before. Appreciate her now instead of after it is too late because a girl like you have only comes along once in a lifetime.
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