Women Should Stop Tolerating This Behavior From Men (It's Not "Normal" )
Jul 11, 2018 by apost team
You deserve to be in a healthy relationship! It should build you up instead of tearing you down. Acceptance is an important part of this, of course. However, if you find yourself settling for a lot of negative qualities, it's time to get out - fast!
1. He Insults You In Private - And Public!
Your man should be your rock, your safe haven. If he's always nagging you or criticizing your flaws then he definitely isn't the right guy for you. He should be supporting you at every turn rather than tearing you down.
2. He Turns You Into A Joke
Sure, it's fine to be silly every once in a while. Laughter's the best medicine, especially when you're sharing it with someone special. There's a difference between having fun and being mean-spirited about it. Don't tolerate it if he's always making fun of you or putting you down. Your relationship should make you happy.
3. He Dominates You Physically And Emotionally
This is a MAJOR red flag, and unfortunately it can come in a lot of different shapes. He might be aggressive, or even violent, physically. If you're in a tender place emotionally, he might try to use them to his advantage. Look for a man who's sensitive and gentle with you.
4. He Downplays Your Feelings
When you come to your man with a problem, you expect him to listen. Watch out if he ignores what you're talking about or makes it all about him instead.
5. He Pressures You Sexually
Sex is a joyful and natural part of many relationships. That said, he should never try to convince you to do things sexually that you're not comfortable with. He should listen your reactions when you protest.
6. He Flirts With Other Girls
The two of you are in a relationship together. That definitely doesn't include checking out different girls at the same time! He might subtly check out women when you're walking around together, or outright wolf-whistle at them. Tell him that it makes you uncomfortable. If that doesn't work, stop putting up with his chauvinist ways and kick him to the curb.
7. He Tries To Control Your Life
You are a strong and independent woman and deserve to be treated that way! You should be able to make your own choices, good or bad, and learn from your mistakes. Don't be with a man who tries to take away that freedom.
8. He's Overly Dependent
Relationships mean you can turn to your partner for support. However, no woman should have a relationship with a needy man-child! If you find that he's always begging you for money, it's a sure sign that he can't take care of himself. You want a man who's as self-sufficient as you are! He won't be able to hold up against any relationship difficulties if he whines all the time.
Do any of these behaviors sound familiar? Tell us if you've ever been in a relationship like this and pass this important information on to the other women in your life.