Woman Who Lost Her Mother Urges Dads To 'Please Take the Picture'
Sep 06, 2018 by apost team
Dedicated moms are often guilty of putting their own hopes and dreams on the backburner while they sacrifice for their families. This focus on others can often be seen in their social media news feeds. They tend to feature tons of pictures of the rest of the family while pictures including the moms themselves are almost nonexistent.
A woman whose mom died recently has a message for dads to take more pictures of mothers of their children. After all, she reminds them, someday it may be too late.
Cyndy Gatewood's touching post reminded dads to take more pictures of the special women in their life.
She implored them that while they have their phones with them they should spend less time posting meaningless memes and spend more time snapping family photos that include their significant others spending time with their kids.
She tells men to capture those daily images that reveal a woman's devotion to her family, such as homework help sessions, reading books with the kids, and goofing around together.
Since moms are so often the ones keeping track of these small moments it's likely that they won't be featured in many of the pictures of these meaningful moments.
istockphotos.com/DeagreezGatewood gives a sobering reminder that "One day she'll be gone and all the kids have left of her are memories.
Though some of us moms would be aghast at having anyone capture candid pictures of us in our pj's or sweats with our hair not fixed and no makeup on, it's important for our kids to have reminders of us as we really looked from day to day.
That's because in a moment of time everything could change. None of us has a guarantee of tomorrow. One day all our families will have to remember us are their personal memories and photos.
Greenwood shared that her mother died when she was only 20 years old, so she cherishes the pictures she has of her and her mom together.
She described in detail how significant these captured moments are to her and how they mean more and more the older she grows.
istockphotos.com/Stígur Már Karlsson /HeimsmyndirShe finished the post by repeating her heartfelt plea, "Please, take the picture."
Cyndy Gatewood's daughter, Brittney decided to put her mom's words into practice. She took it upon herself to post her mom's heartfelt message alongside a picture of her mom wearing a tank top and sweats and facing the microwave holding a little one with another at her side.
Though it captures an everyday moment, it's this kind of picture that kids will cherish long after their mom leaves this earth.
So moms, don't try to dodge the camera when your hair isn't perfect and you haven't taken the time to get dressed up. Let your spouse and kids take pictures of those not-so-polished moments that make for some of life's best memories. Your family will be so glad that you did one day!
What about you? Do you agree that each dad should make time to take plenty of pictures of their significant other? Let us know what you think! Pass this story along to your family and friends to remind them of the importance of capturing memories that will live on and on!