Woman Sees Frightened Dog With 13lb Anchor Around Its Neck Near River
Aug 01, 2019 by apost team
Audra Petraškienė was driving along a road in Lithuania when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. What she saw made her hit the brakes.
It was a small black and white dog standing there shivering and sopping wet. The road was near a river so it might not have been that unusual for a dog to take a summertime dip. But Audra got out of the car just to make sure it was okay. What she saw upon closer inspection made her well up with tears.

The poor little thing had what looked like a homemade weight tied around its neck with some rope. There could only be one conclusion to what Audra saw.
“Apparently, somebody put a heavy metal item on his neck and dropped him in the river to drown,” her daughter told The Dodo.
Thankfully the dog had been able to swim to safety and was drying out in the sun.
Audra filmed a video while she approached the dog and in it, she said what everyone is thinking, “Who did this to you?” Her voice shook as she came closer to the terrified animal, then she steeled herself to resolutely help.
She took the dog home and immediately dried it off with towels and took off the weight. She found out that it weighed a whopping 13lbs, which must have been unbearable for a dog of that size. The next stop was the vet who thankfully gave the dog a clear bill of health.
Audra also went to the police and reported this horrifying case of animal cruelty, and hopefully, justice will soon be served.
Now, Audra has given her daughter a wonderful example of compassion. She said, "I am very proud of her. She loves animals and always takes care of them." The dog is now in the Petraškienė family’s care and can look forward to a much happier life.
Watch Audra in action as she bravely rescues the dog:

This act is just cruel beyond words but we applaud Audra’s actions in giving the pup’s story a happy ending. Have you ever rescued an animal in such a way? Tell us about it in the comments.