Woman Gives Birth To Twins - But They Have Different Fathers

Mar 29, 2019 by apost team

Did you know that a woman can get twins from two different fathers? It's rare, but not impossible. You may look surprised reading this, but you shouldn't be because I have a story that shows how this event actually happened in real life.

Graeme and Simon Berney-Edwards had been married for quite sometime before they decided to add a new member to their family. The two men donated their sperms for in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

What usually happens with IVF fertilization is that the egg is fertilized outside of the body and then transferred to a surrogate to allow the fetus to grow.


Since the men were from England, they would have had to go through a lot of paperwork before the child became legally theirs. Therefore, they made the decision to fly to America and choose a Canadian surrogate mother by the name Meg Stone.

She agreed to carry the fertilized egg and nine months later, the couple was shocked after Meg delivered twins.

As it turns out, two eggs had been fertilized from the sperms of both men. They may be the luckiest same-sex couple on the planet since they get to have two kids with DNA from both parents.

The couple still keeps in touch with Meg and are thankful to her. The two twins, a boy and girl, are called Calder and Alexa.

What do you think of this story? Did it shock you or make you feel something different? Let us know if you enjoyed it and pass this along to your friends and family to see if they've ever heard of something like this before.