Woman Distressed Over Neighbor Teenager’s Constant Screaming – “She Screams Bloody Murder”
Jul 16, 2023 by apost team
At every stage of their lives, children can be a handful. In general, managing children is a very stressful affair, but managing one who regularly throws tantrums or gives off negative attitudes is more stressful. From throwing tantrums when they are toddlers to becoming stubborn in their teenage years as they begin to form their own opinions, parents usually seek new ways to adapt to a child’s developmental stage.
Making noise is one of the many negative characteristics associated with children at almost every stage of their lives. Kids are loud everywhere; in school, at home, at social gatherings, and anywhere else you can think of. Besides genuine outbursts in times of distress, children, especially toddlers, will be loud for any reason whatsoever; they are loud over games, cookies, toys, their favorite TV shows, and when playing with their peers, among others.
The brunt of screaming kids is typically borne by everyone else, from parents to passersby and neighbors who aren’t participating in the screaming match. Constant screaming and noise making from kids is particularly hard on neighbors who have to live with the reality for extended periods. Not only is noise from neighbors annoying, but a 2019 study revealed that it could mentally and physically impact the sufferer’s health.
In the past, a simple conversation with a neighbor could solve the issue of kids making noise, but it is no longer that straightforward these days. One such distraught constant noise sufferer is a 20-year-old Reddit user who took to the platform to complain about her neighbor’s noisy teenager on July 9, 2023.

The Reddit user concerned about her neighbor’s child’s constant screaming explained the matter before other Redditors. In the post, the woman at her wit’s end with the teenager’s constant screaming revealed that her family lived in a residential neighborhood and were neighbors with a friendly family of four.
“I (20 F) live in a residential neighborhood with my parents and sibling. Our neighbors right next to us are a family of four. The parents are super friendly, always wanting to chat when we are both outside,” she wrote.
While the original poster (OP) didn’t have any issues with her neighbor’s friendliness, she was particularly thrown off by their 13-year-old daughter’s constant screaming. She revealed that the teenager screamed whenever she was out playing.
“However, their daughter, who is about 13, is an absolute menace. Whenever she is outside playing, whether it be with her friends or brother, she screams bloody murder.”
The OP further stated that although she understood that playing outside is better for the teenager than staying in and being fixated on her phone, she doesn’t understand why she screams like someone in distress.
“Like genuinely, if I didn’t know any better, I would think she was being hurt. It’s so loud and CONSTANT. I understand that she’s playing, and it’s better than being inside on your phone, but there is a difference between noises made when playing versus shrieking like she does. She’s also at an age to absolutely know better.
The OP ended her post by seeking advice for the best way to handle the situation as her family’s relaxation time was threatened by the teenager’s constant screams.


The commenters under the OP’s post were sympathetic to her plight. Some offered practical solutions because they had experienced similar screaming from their neighbors’ children. In contrast, others advised her to take the gentlemanly route and converse with the teenager’s parents.
“We had a neighborhood kid that did this incessantly. After months on end of the never ending screams, I finally called the police and said “there’s a child screaming somewhere on our street. Sounds like they’re hurt or being injured.” (Which is exactly what it sounded like),” one commenter who had suffered a similar plight wrote. “They came out, found the kid & the neighbor and the screaming ended,” the commenter added.
“I see nothing wrong with discussing the situation with her parents - perhaps she has some developmental problems which cause her to scream all the time? At least then you’d know,” another wrote. “Start the discussion quietly and politely…if they’re offended, there’s not much you can do about it but at least you’ll have let them know it’s bothering you,” the user added.
“It’s the new thing and I hate it. We had a whole gaggle of neighbor kids who would allllllll scream as they played. We moved,” a third user commented. “There was no stopping it. They would also walk up and stare into our windows and curse at us if we so much as looked at them. We put up a fence until we could move then booked it. Granted they aren’t the reason we left but it’s a bonus,” the Redditor added.

What would you do if you were in the OP’s position? Would you talk about the constant screaming with the teenager’s parents? Do you agree with the Redditors’ advice on the situation? Let us know and — and be sure to pass this article on to friends, family members, and other people you think would have an answer!