Woman Cuts Off Her 4-Foot-Long Hair For A Moving Reason After 25 Years Of No Haircuts

Sep 06, 2024 by apost team

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The big snip: most of us have thought about it, but it seems too scary to go through with it. After all, spending so much time growing out our hair brings with it its own sentimentality. For many of us, spending years growing our hair can be an arduous task because of slow hair growth, which makes the big snip even more unwanted. 

However, there comes a time when every person needs a big change. After years of maintaining the same style, a change might just be the right course of action. Sometimes, a big life change needs to be mirrored with a similar change in appearance.

For Rosa Ramirez, cutting her four-foot-long hair after 25 years of wearing it the same way felt liberating. Although her life-changing experience took place in 2015, her courageous story is still very interesting today. 

Apparently, her husband and friends had long encouraged her to cut her hair, but it wasn’t they who finally convinced her to let it go. Keep reading to learn more about Rosa and why she finally decided to cut her long hair.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

In a WXYZ-TV Detroit report, Ramirez revealed that her hair was so long that she sometimes stepped on it as she walked. In the past, Ramirez’s husband had repeatedly convinced her to consider getting her hair cut. Rosa remained undecided until a heartfelt reason inspired her to act.

Rosa said she wanted to donate her 4-foot-long hair to Locks of Love, a nonprofit organization that creates wigs for children who have lost their hair to cancer. 

“I think it would make somebody’s day who’s suffering from a bad disease, it will make their day a little brighter,” Rosa added. 

After seeing herself in front of the mirror after her haircut, Rosa said that she didn't “look like the same person anymore.”

Ramirez's transformation earned her praise online, particularly because of her generosity and bravery in surrendering such a meaningful part of herself. 

“Definitely a good change and super generous of her too :) Some kids will be very happy! <3” one person said. 

“she looks lots better afterwards in the short hair,” a user praised. 

“looks way better and younger..,” another commented. 

However, some cast doubt on the organization to which Ramirez donated her hair. 

“I love this! Howver I think more charities could’ve more benifited.  I believe locks of love has many good things with the charity but it’s had some ?’s. I will never donate to them but thankful for the love you’ve shown othwrs!” one pointed out. 

“If only they had donated to wigs for kids instead of that questionable organization..” another echoed. 

“I wonder how hard it is to donate to anyone but the locks of hope that charge people everything they have left for any comfort? So very sad!” a third person wrote. 


What do you think of Rosa Ramirez’s decision to cut her hair? Do you know someone who has done the same thing as her? Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends and other loved ones out there!

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