Woman And Dog's Passionate Dance Earns Internet's Approval
Jul 10, 2020 by apost team
Sandra Roth and her Border Collie Lizzy impressed at OEC 2014 held in Germany with their dogdance freestyle routine.
Training even the smartest of pooches can take time, patience, and diligence. We all want a dog who will listen to the basic commands like stay, sit, and shake, but how many of us take the extra steps to teach our furry friends even more impressive tricks? Sure, many of us think our pup is intelligent when they pick up the stuff we teach them but have any of you ever taught your dog to dance?
An Unlikely Dance Partner

History is full of impressive dancing duos, but the team of Roth and Lizzy might just have them all beat with their unique pairing. While the dances may impress now, it didn't seem like Lizzy was destined to be a success story on the dance floor early on in her life. As a puppy, this border collie didn't make the training easy on Roth. The first three years of Lizzy's life were spent on improving her social behavior.
Roth admits that this pooch was not always an "easy dog," but continued to stick with the training. As time went on, Lizzy began to learn freestyle moves and tricks on her way to becoming the experienced doggy dancer she is today. Eventually, Lizzy picked up the dancing and started to enjoy the reactions she would get from crowds for her performance.

Entering an Unusual Sport

Roth and Lizzy are part of a sport called "dog dancing." This involves dancing duos consisting of one human and one canine participating in choreographed routines against other teams. The sport hasn't achieved worldwide popularity, but many people enjoy watching these fascinating numbers. Roth even states that she finds dog dancing to be "the perfect sport."
This is because it allows her to take her love and passion for dancing and include her beloved, Lizzy. Being a highly-trained and respected jazz and ballet dancer, Roth has been a professional dancer for many years. Although those skills certainly help her look great during any routine, it is surely a challenge when one adds a canine to the mix.
Enjoying the Competition

The dancing duo of Roth and Lizzy entered a dog dancing freestyle competition that was to be held in Germany. Despite being up against some tough competition, Roth and Lizzy managed to blow the minds of the audience and become internet sensations with their impressive performance.
The precision and creativity behind their routine made them breakthrough stars. As one can see when they watch the video, the whole dance takes place in an open room and is set to music from The Last Unicorn. While Lizzy danced in just her regular fur, Roth was costumed in white with a unicorn horn on her head.

The routine relied heavily on Roth's ballet background and the audience marveled as Lizzy performed many pup versions of the ballet moves her dancing partner was doing. This even included Lizzy putting out her hind leg, maintaining her balance like a true ballerina. Lizzy went on to walk backward and perform jumps, even thrilling the audience with a leap over her partner's head.
It is clear by watching the video that Roth and Lizzy spent an enormous amount of time and put in a ton of effort to pull off this choreography. Despite all the hard work, both dancers make the fluidity of the dance seem effortless.
It's hard not to be blown away by such an amazing sight. What did you think of the routine? Do you think your dog could be capable of becoming a top-notch dancer? Pass this along to your loved ones to get their opinion!