Wife Sings “Amazing Grace” To Dying Husband For Last Time In Heartbreaking Video.
Mar 01, 2019 by apost team
Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a spouse. On January 30, Danielle Gibson from Lebanon, Tennessee had to say goodbye to her beloved husband and father of her four children.
Tony Gibson was just 33 years old when he passed on after suffering from a rare condition called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It was in December 2017 when Tony first began exhibiting symptoms. He would randomly forget things and become so disoriented that Danielle had to begin labeling items around the house.
The issue began to deteriorate rapidly before doctors at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville were finally able to come to a conclusion. After a month of extensive testing, Tony was diagnosed with the disease in May of 2.


This rare, degenerative brain disorder is caused by coming into contact with contaminated meat. Sadly, there is no cure for this fatal disease and death usually happens within a year of diagnosis.
Danielle was able to stay strong for Tony and stand beside him as he battled the progressive symptoms of this terrible disease.
Three days before he passed on, Danielle sat by his side and sang him his favorite hymn, "Amazing Grace." The video of the song was posted on Facebook, giving Danielle support from all over the world.
Despite missing her husband terribly, Danielle said that she is happy that Tony is no longer suffering. This sweet video is a perfect expression of the love that this wife has for her husband.
What did you think of this bittersweet moment? After you have watched the touching video, be sure to spread the love to all of your friends and family.