Which Type Of Mom You Will Be According To Your Zodiac?

Jan 01, 2019 by apost team

Everybody knows that no two moms are the same. What does your horoscope reveal about your future motherhood?

Our Sun signs often determine our personality to some degree or another. In order to gauge your full personality, you need to have a full natal chart. This is the wheel design that shows you which house signs the moon and all the planets were in at the time of your birth. There are many places you can have it done for free online.

Here, we’re going to focus on general information about how your sun sign influences what type of mom you probably are.


1. Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)


Aquarians are known for being the free spirit of the 12 signs. Your kids appreciate you because you’re open-minded and treat them as your equals. You probably tend to be up-to-date on the latest trends in everything from books to slang.

However, Aquarians also tend to get a little scatterbrained and impulsive. You may have trouble setting boundaries because of it. If you do, our advice is to stay consistent with enforcing your rules and consequences for their misbehavior.

2. Pisces (February 20 - March 20)


Pisceans are very nurturing by nature and Pisces moms are said to have a heart of gold. While you may not be above playing the delicate flower card, you’re tough as nails when it comes to your kids. So the good news is that you don’t have to worry about anyone with ulterior motives or malicious intent messing with your kids without a hard fight.

However, you may have a few issues with being passive-aggressive due to indirect communication. So keep in mind that young children can’t yet read between the lines and need very careful consistency.

3. Aries (March 21 - April 20)


Arians tend to be the most self-confident and independent of the 12 signs. They also tend to be the go-getters of all 12, making the world a better place. Chances are, you’re probably always trying to do the same for your kids. However, you probably also value your time alone to recharge, and your kids benefit by sometimes spending time on their own with friends or relatives.

But with that being said, you probably also have a certain tendency to get competitive and moody. So just be aware that your kids are picking up on this as well.

4. Taurus (April 21 - May 21)


Taureans tend to be one of the most patient, predictable, and stable of the 12. You know how to be consistent with structure and routine. As a result, your kids benefit by knowing exactly what to expect. You’re probably always there for moral support for all of their events and significant occasions, which they appreciate.

However, if you’re not careful, you could end up being overly stubborn and overly indulging. If your children are still living at home, you will need to monitor this so that you lower the risk of them picking up on it.

5. Gemini (May 22 - June 21)


Geminis tend to have a child-like curiosity and be full of energy. You’re probably quite progressive and keep up with the latest trends and encourage your kids to be original in their own creativity. And this is wonderful.

However, you may have some boundary issues, which can confuse your kids so be sure that you’re staying consistent with enforcing your consequences.

6. Cancer (June 22 - July 22)


Cancerians are motherly by nature. Chances are, you revel in being a mother and are very devoted to your kids. You’re probably on the shy side but always working “backstage” to bring out the best in your kids.

However, you probably get overprotective and over-reactive at times, which can be intimidating to your kids. So it’ll benefit you and your kids to find healthy ways, such as going for a run, to express this.

7. Leo (July 23 - August 22)


Leos by nature tend to love being in the spotlight, being creative, and playful. You’re probably very lively, impressive, and know how to keep a party going. However, you probably sometimes tend to be self-centered and overly dramatic.

Particularly if your kids are young, you need to remember that their needs come first and that being overly dramatic can intimidate them.

8. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Virgos tend to know how to stay organized and structured. Chances are, your kids appreciate this, as it makes them feel safe and more confident in themselves. Chances are, you probably take your whole family’s health very seriously and stay current on the latest findings about how to be a good parent. Your high intelligence probably shows, too.

However, you may have a tendency to be a little over-opinionated at times so be careful about teaching your children the difference between fact and opinion.

9. Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Libras tend to be one of the most fair and patient signs of the 12. Chances are, you’re probably also doing your best to instill a love of the arts and culture in your kids. Your instincts about knowing when to take a break are good and you probably don’t get too worked up over small things.

However, Libras can be on the snobby side so you may need to keep watch of your tone of voice around your kids.

10. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Scorpios tend to value inner strength and have high standards. So chances are, you probably expect a lot from your children. You probably put your family first and are good at saying what you mean. Your kids will appreciate your air of high power and resilience.

However, be careful that you don’t get too overwhelming when it comes to enforcing consequences or that you don’t hover over your kids.

11. Sagitarrius (November 22 - December 21)


You’re probably adventurous and are not afraid to teach them different ways of seeing things. You also probably expose them to different cultures and experiences on a regular basis. You’re probably a free spirit and often the life of the party within your kids’ community.

However, do be careful that your preference for the unpredictable doesn’t lead to a confusing inconsistency for your kids.

12. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Capricorns tend to be the rock of structure of the 12. Chances are, you’re probably not hesitant about setting boundaries for your kids or to work hard to ensure that their lives are stable. You probably have a strong sense of duty and of providing financial stability.

However, do be careful that you don’t worry about every little thing or take everything so seriously.

If you would like to give us your opinion, please do so in the comments. Pass this along to any moms-to-be you know!