When Nobody Was Looking Giraffes, Walked Over To Swimming Pool And Began Diving
Jun 15, 2020 by apost team
These giraffes have got some serious skills. French filmmaker, Nicolas Deveaux of Cube Creations wanted to show giraffes taking their high diving abilities to the next level. This awesome animation, which he posted in 2013, is so good it looks like it could even be real.

The giraffes walk out in a line and continue up to the high dive in what looks like a competitive swimming pool. Then each of them takes turns doing beautiful flips and dives in the pool while one giraffe hangs on the ceiling to assist them in their dives. Nicolas Deveaux uses animals as main subjects for his films, he mostly shows them doing human things which can be very entertaining.

Users on Twitter have praised the film for being 'Amazing!' and an unusually brilliant work of art.
The Paris-based filmmaker currently has close to 2,000 followers on his website that love these quirky animations.
What did you think about the giraffe's dives in this video? Let us know in the comments! And what about your friends and family? Be sure to pass this video along to them!