When Love Just Isn’t Enough: Why Women Leave Men They Love
Jul 16, 2018 by apost team
When women enter into a relationship, it is usually with long-term goals in mind. So, they put their heart and soul into loving the other person and making them happy. They love unconditionally and sometimes throw caution as well as logic to the wind. This means that many women will listen to their emotions instead of reason and intuition when it comes to deciding if their man is doing right by them.
But very often women at some point in their life, start to listen to the listen voice inside them as they mature, grow more independent, and begin to really listen to what their friends and family are telling them about what the way they are being treated in their relationship. Bells start going off, and women will not only start to heed the warning signs of what may be a bad choice in a man, but they will act on it and leave their man behind even though they may still love them, they just can’t ignore the bad stuff anymore.
Here are some warning signs to look for if your woman is considering moving on:
1. When he's blind to the small things
Women are very in tune to what men claim to know about them. They will even go as far as to test a man’s memory to see if they remember even the slightest details or random conversations that took place months before that had to do with something that the woman said she loved or wanted. Making mental notes about the small things and then producing those things at a later date as a small gift or random memory means everything to a woman in terms of showing that you really care what makes her happy. She may even forget herself, but if you remind her, it means that much more about how much you care.
2. No “Me Time”
Constantly needing to be with her every minute of every day will eventually lead to a woman wanting to tear themselves away from a man on a permanent basis. The old saying that two halves make up a whole in a relationship is not actually the case—two whole, independent-minded people make up a healthy relationship based on two fully-formed personalities that are happy on their own and come together to enjoy each other as complete human beings. If you give the impression that you need her to complete you, that type of physical reliance on another human being is not healthy or attractive.
3. Making Comparisons
There is no greater insult to a woman than for a man to compare her to other women. It is a way of telling her that what you see in her is not quite good enough for you. It is also saying that you don’t accept who she is and would rather she take on the traits of other people in order for your relationship to be satisfactory. No one will stick around very long in a relationship when they are subjected to constant judgment and criticism.
4. Pathological Lying
If a man feels the need to constantly lie about everything to their woman, then the relationship is not only doomed from the start, but the man has other psychological issues he may need to address. Chronic lying means a that there is a complete lack of trust between two people, and the person doing the lying knows their actions may be unacceptable to their partner, but instead of changing their ways, they pretend they are not happening. Eventually, every woman will find out the truth. If it happens often enough, she will opt to find a man that does not feel the need to lie about what they do and accepts responsibility for his actions.
5. Putting Your Needs First
There is nothing more obvious in a bad relationship than selfishness. Women would like to be a priority in a man’s life, so if you are spending the majority of your time on activities that only you are interested in, then it will begin to erode the relationship to the point where a woman will participate in her own interests and find a man who will participate along with her instead of waiting for the man she loves to only be with her when it is convenient for him.
6. Nothing in Common
Oftentimes, selfishness is symptomatic of a complete lack of interest in each other’s interests right from the very start. People begin relationships and often do not know what passions the other person has about certain activities and hobbies that may an integral part of their life. If a man tries to pretend he likes doing these things when he doesn’t, resent usually follows and leads to arguments and eventually a woman will find someone else who can share her passion.
7. Limiting Time Together
Whether you have work commitments or are just being pulled away by a group of friends, not spending quality time with your woman will make her feel unwanted and unloved. Planning your schedule around work and personal time and routinely not including time spent with your woman can just as easily be changed to include time each day to only spend with her no matter if it is an hour at home having dinner together or meeting her in the park for a quick picnic lunch during the day.
8. Being Insecure
No woman wants to be with a man who checks her phone or follows her everywhere to make sure she is being faithful. It is one of the most unattractive characteristics a man can have as well as border on embarrassing for a woman. This is especially true if you attend work functions together and get visibly distraught, angry and even confrontational in front of other people if she talks to another man. This will drive a wedge between you that will eventually cause her to leave.
9. Asking Her to Change
Women are always told to never think they can change a man after they marry him. The same can be said for a man when it comes to trying to mold their woman into something they see them being as opposed to who they really are as individuals. This tells a woman that you really don’t understand her and may not even like who she truly is. There is hardly a woman who will stand for this before they go looking for someone who will cherish them for who they are—flaws and all.
10. No Communication
It is not just about physical presence, but a man who is not mentally available for a woman may end up alone. Just having someone to listen when they need it is so important to most women who tend to want to vent about their frustrations without judgment from their man. Not being around to be a sympathetic ear for them or even telling them that you don’t want to listen to their problems says loud and clear that you don’t care. Eventually, they will look for someone who does no matter how much they love you.
11. Lack of Emotion
Coupled with not caring about their feelings is also not reacting to them. A true relationship for a woman is not just about hanging out together and being her significant other for special occasions, it is also about being there emotionally when she needs you to share in her sorrow, pain, and anxiety. This takes a real effort to be present in the moment and react to her emotions appropriately with tears, laughter, anger, and calm when she needs it.
12. Physical Contact
This doesn’t mean sexual activities but actual hand-holding and caressing to comfort or show you cherish them. In the quiet moments between a man and a woman, there sometimes is a soft peck on the cheek or kiss on the forehead. Maybe the man reaches for the woman’s hand to show he is taking in that moment in time that they are experiencing together. If these times of physical togetherness don’t exist, then a woman will feel ignored, unloved, and invisible and look for physical closeness elsewhere.
Have you had these same moments in your life with a man? Or are you a man who sees these and other warning signs? Help others to work these difficult relationship issues by showing them this article.