What Color Is Your Aura And What Does It Mean About You?

Jun 01, 2018 by apost team

We all share a connection with the universe as living creatures within it. Ancient Eastern teachings have revealed much about the micro and macro cosmos as they relate to the universe’s energy, our energy fields, and how energy is continuously circling around each of us. 

The Basic Concept 

Those that vibrate high frequency, positive energy are the most fulfilled and happy. Meanwhile, low frequency, negative vibrations yield dissatisfaction and unhappiness. 


The Advanced Concept 

Empaths and those sensitive to the energies of others offer a more advanced concept of energies. They can recognize the energy auras around living creatures and even absorb and accumulate energy from them. 

We all have some degree of psychic abilities, even if we don’t recognize what it is from denial or confusion. You can just walk past someone and steal or transfer energy to or from them as energy fields are crossed. Sometimes this results in an instant connection, bond, or attraction. Other times, it can result in instant conflict. By understanding auras and what each symbolizes, we can better prepare ourselves for such meetings of energy. 


Auras 101 

Auras are associated, or rather seen, in colors, with each color representing different types of energies. Let’s explore: 


This is an adventure-seeker. They’re enthusiastic, energetic, adaptive, impulsive, brave, intelligent, confident, and expedient. They rarely come into contact with something they don’t want to try. While such an outgoing personality can serve them well in success and wealth, it also places them in a lot of dangerous situations. Red auras are also quick tempered and need to be the center of attention at all times, traits that often leave them with a short and intolerant attention span. 



These are the analysts, intellectuals, logistics, calculators, and perfectionists. The need for perfection makes them their own worst critics. They approach things with caution and thought verses reckless abandon. In fact, they overly calculate most everything in life. With the material world a high priority, extreme self-sufficiency, and a high tolerance for stress and anxiety, yellow auras are often highly successful workaholics with few meaningful personal relationships. Any relationships are generally with fellow yellows. Loneliness doesn’t bother yellow auras and they don’t need interpersonal relationships; yet, they have great socialization and oratory skills when they feel it’s necessary to unleash them. 



Blue auras perhaps have one of the most shaded energies, meaning more to less intense traits based on how complete the color appears. A true, completely blue aura is a rarity. These are the master orators and communicators, such as politicians, writers, poets, and lawyers. They’re charismatic and convey every thought with ease, intelligence, and eloquence. They’re highly intuitive, make balanced decisions, and are experts at getting things done by motivating and inspiring others. 



Those with gold auras are highly visual and artistic people. The have a hedonistic love of beautiful and fine things and like to adorn their entire life with the extravagant. Like the red aura, they crave to be the center of attention, but unlike the red aura, they tend to have massive social circles filled with admirers. They’re social creatures by nature, and while they may initially put off an air of being unapproachable, they’re actually quite open-hearted. Compassion, empathy, caring, sharing, and great listening skills make them fantastic friends. Just don’t criticize them or point out their flaws, whether valid or not. They hide behind a veil of proudly worn perfection and independence. 


White And Silver

Lucky, gifted, and spirited, the silver/white auras are considered very special. Wisdom, the ability to learn well from life’s lessons, and the special gifts they’ve been afforded allows them to constantly achieve personal growth. Most have several different sub-textures of psychic ability. They’re sensitive and humble... yet, they’re highly attractive and garner a lot of inadvertent attention. This often makes a bad combination since they do not like to be the center of attention. As such a strong spirit, they have the highest potential for seeing the truth and reaching spiritual divinity. 



Brown auras should be approached carefully and with great discern as it’s never indicative of anything positive. Sometimes it can be indicative of a disease process. Lighter brown auras have a defect in personality; this defect can be anything from a state of confusion or disarray to fearfulness or poor self-esteem. Darker browns are more malignant personality defects, such as pathological liars, narcissism, and sociopaths. It’s a sign of great negativity, whether that be due to illness, depression, or hatred 


What’s Your Aura? 

Of course, you want to know what your own aura is, and who better to discover it than you? Here’s what to do: 

  • Get comfy in front of a mirror. 
  • Make sure the area is well-lit in the background. 
  • Look deeply at your reflection. 
  • Focus your attention on a single outlining area of your body. 
  • Continue focusing until you see an almost transparent white image around your physical body. 
  • Don’t lose focus; the white energy will eventually expand. 
  • As the white energy expands, a noticeable color will become clear as day, but usually only momentarily. 

Don’t panic if it disappears quickly. Your brain just isn’t used to this perception and will attempt to disrupt it. As you refocus, you’ll see it again. Your brain may interfere several times. Refocus each time. With practice, patience, and an open-mindset, your aura will eventually glow brightly for you to establish a precise color for your inner aura. And, after you’ve mastered your inner aura and gained spiritual strength, you’ll soon start to see your outer aura emerge. 


Did you see your aura? What color is it? Do you think your aura matches your personality? Tell us all about it in the comment section. Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask it.