Whale Breaches Surface To Get Boater's Attention Before He Dove In To Help
Feb 17, 2020 by apost team
Fisherman James Moskito noticed a whale lingering around his boat near the Farallon Islands and decided to investigate. He found that the whale was covered in ropes.

Instead of running away, James Moskito jumped into the water near the Farallon Islands to see what was wrong with the whale because it seemed like it was in pain.
Once he got closer to the whale, he realized that the humpback was entangled in heavy crab nets that kept weighing him down. The whale couldn't breach properly in such a condition; it was struggling to get itself out of the water to be able to breathe.

James Moskito called his fishermen buddies and together they slowly cut the ropes in an effort to free the whale. James kept petting the mammal as the others cut the ropes.
Amazingly, the whale was very cooperative and did not try to run away or attack the fishermen. It slowly opened its mouth and allowed the men to cut the ropes that were inside.
The fishermen took their time until they freed the whale from the ropes. Upon getting free, the whale slowly swam around the fishermen as a sign of appreciation before going under.
You can watch Moskito's heroic act in this video. If you loved this story, tell your friends about it and let us know what you think about the whale's gesture of gratitude.