We Do These Eleven Harmful Things Every Day And Don’t Realize It

Jul 12, 2018 by apost team

Many of us have been following the habits below for years without realizing the harm it could be causing us. We take a lot of the habits we do completely for granted! You wouldn’t think using sunscreen, for example, would be harmful. But there have been recent studies that have shown that certain habits are more harmful for us than good. 

Let’s take a look at the eleven habits you should stop right now! 


1. Using Too Much Sunscreen

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When you use too much sunscreen, you may not be getting enough sunlight and vitamin D. A lack of both of these can cause some forms of cancer to develop, such as pancreatic cancer. Research at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health has also shown that too much sun protection could cause multiple sclerosis. Always protect your skin from too much sunlight, but try not to overdo it. 

2. Peeling Apples


The peel of an apple contains quercetin, which is an antioxidant that directly supports the health of your heart. If you peel the apple, you peel away this antioxidant. Just remember to wash your apples before eating them to rid them of germs and grime. 

3. Not Eating Enough Fats


You don’t have to stop consuming fats altogether. Fats actually assist your body in metabolizing vitamins. It’s OK to eat good fats, such as nuts and seeds, every day. You should eat between 44 to 78 grams of fat per day to get the necessary benefits from them. 

4. Taking Showers That Are Too Long 


When you stay in the shower too long the hot water will start to dry out your skin. You’ll be left with itchy, dry skin that will be hard to correct, especially when you shower for too long every single day. Keep your showers ten minutes and under. 

5. Eating Too Many Vegetables 


A healthy diet should include vegetables. However, eating more than four portions of fruit and seven portions of vegetables every day for a long period of time can damage your body. You only need to eat fresh vegetable four to five times per day to get the best results. 

6. Always Checking E-Mail


Checking your e-mail often can become a source of disappointment and stress for many people. To minimize this risk, don’t look at your e-mail late in the evening or very early in the morning. Start your work first and then check your e-mail, unless it is a crucial part of your work process. Turn off any notifications you get concerning your e-mail. 

7. Setting Your Alarm Too Loud


When your alarm is so loud it jolts you out of a deep sleep, your heartbeat and blood pressure increase. This can cause your cortisol levels to increase, which results in stress first thing in the morning. When you wake up like this for weeks, months, and even years, this stress can wreak havoc on your body. 

8. Drinking Excessive Amounts Of Energy Drinks 


Drinking too many energy drinks can increase the risk of your heartbeat becoming unstable, according to a number of studies done at the University of the Pacific. Participants in this study drank two bottles of an energy drink every day for three weeks. They then suffered from an increased heart rate and high blood pressure after the study was concluded. The group drinking the placebo drink did not suffer from anything. 

9. Burning Incense 


If you burn incense every day for a few hours, you may be increasing your chance of developing brain tumors, leukemia, and lung cancer. Incense contains certain chemicals that have the ability to change your genetic material. If you do burn incense, only burn it for a short period of time and be sure to get plenty of fresh air. 

10. Wrapping Up Wet Hair In A Towel


When you wrap up wet hair in a towel, the heavy towel may cause you to develop split ends. It may even cause some hair to fall out. Instead of walking around with your hair in a heavy towel, carefully and gently squeeze out the water in your hair with a towel but then let it air dry. 

11. Taking Painkillers


Taking too many painkillers has been found to decrease the sharpness of your good emotions. A study was conducted in which one group took painkillers and another took a placebo. Later, these volunteers looked through 40 photos, from unpleasant ones of starving kids to happy ones of kids playing with cats. They had to estimate the positivity of these photos.

Those who had taken the painkillers estimated that many of the photographs were worse than the ones who had taken the placebo. The study showed that their emotional perception had become distorted. 

Do you have any of these habits? Did you know they were bad for you? Let us know and show this to your friends who didn't know, either!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!