We Can Tell You What To Focus On This June, Based On Your Zodiac
Jun 05, 2018 by apost team
Prepare yourself for the month ahead and see what you should be focusing on according to your zodiac sign!

If you are a Gemini, you are great at making amends with anyone in the past that you have hurt. If you have ignored the steps you needed to take to fix your broken relationships in the past, now is the time to move forward. You may have allowed your past mistakes to take over, but that isn’t who you were and definitely not the person you wish to be. You are not the dangerous and reckless individual you have always believed yourself to be. It’s time to move on with your life, and the first step in doing so is to forgive yourself for past transgressions.


You have always worn your emotions on your sleeve. However, you don’t like confrontation. You’ll let things bother you rather than start a conversation that you may not be able to control. You want to keep everything in your life manageable but you can’t always do so. Your life isn’t going to play like a perfect script and you cannot always be the actor. It’s OK to let things go and go with the flow. Everything in life is uncertain and the sooner you realize this, the happier you will be.

You may not realize it but your personality is made up of many contradictions. You may desire something one day but then say it is a waste of effort and time the next. You are scared to commit to one way and you try hard to hide what you really want unless no one is paying attention. You try to keep others from knowing your true self even though you really wish that they would.

To you, love is an emotion that can be measured by actual acts of service. You may not have realized this before but it’s true. It has been a driving factor in many different areas of life and you have an intense pressure to succeed. This pressure comes at a cost to your mental or physical health. Stop and take the time to consider your daily role. It is OK to take time for yourself! You don’t have to always be useful to someone in order for them to love you.

Yes, the following statement is a cliché. But you never know what you will accomplish until you try! You have a lot of big dreams and an enthusiasm for life. But you don’t want to take the necessary leap to go for it! Everyone is scared at one point or another to go after their dreams, but sometimes you have to have faith if you want to succeed in life. Just remember, you will always survive, even if the worst happens!

You work hard and are dedicated but sometimes you get frustrated because it doesn’t seem to be paying off. Don’t worry! There are times that you just have to be patient. You haven’t chosen the wrong path and your time isn’t wasted. Don’t think that pursuing your dreams was a mistake and never doubt your self-worth. You are the only one stopping yourself from moving forward!

You have always thrived on attention. However, you try not to show it. It’s not a bad thing, though. Everyone needs attention now and again! But lately, you have only looked at yourself and not those around you. Do you ask your loved ones how they are and more importantly, do you listen to their answer? You want the same things that they do in life, so be the best person you can be and give them your time and attention.

You’ve become so fixed on your own walls surrounding your heart that you can’t see what is out there for you. So many people care about you but you sometimes refuse to see it. Your anxiety often says this is a lie, but many people love you! Don’t ignore the positivity that is out there. Things may be difficult but you never have to deal with your troubles alone. Allow your support system to help!

You want to be perfect and you don’t always like to take risks. But you should. You should also believe in the strengths that you were born with. You have good instincts and your hunches are almost always right, so don’t hesitate to use this to your advantage! You aren’t weak because you use your emotions as a deciding factor. You can actually use them to your advantage and “wow” everyone around you!

You become stressed out when there is a lack of clarity involving a situation. You aren’t always sure of how to cope with things and this can make you a bit upset. You like details and choose to live your life perfectly planned out. It’s hard to live that way, however! Things happen that you can’t always control. Take the time to focus on your daily actions. Enjoy the flaws in life instead of getting discouraged by them.

You have always had high standards in life. Sometimes, these standards are TOO high! Is it because of the people who thought that you couldn’t make it in life? Are you trying to prove them wrong? Remember, not everyone in life matters to you! Your goals should be in place to make you happy, not make others happy! Be comfortable with what you are accomplishing and don’t worry about what everyone around you is thinking.

You have a tough exterior that you are proud of. You allow others to come to you when they need to cry and talk and you are always the one to walk away first. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You are allowed to be vulnerable and soft at times. You can be the one who needs to cry to others. Give yourself the chance to mess up once in a while! Your personality is constantly changing and evolving!
Are you ready to take on the challenges you have just read about? What are you going to do this June? Let us know in the comments!