Video Captures Rare Adirondack Moose
Apr 15, 2020 by apost team
The Adirondack moose is one of the most majestic creatures on the planet. A group of nature enthusiasts was fortunate enough to encounter one of these moose in its natural habitat, and they captured the entire experience on video.
Moose are members of the deer family, and the Adirondack moose is a beloved icon of Northern New York. They can reach a staggering height of six feet tall when measured from the bottom of their hooved feet to the top of their muscular shoulders, and they typically weigh anywhere from 500 to 1,200 lbs. The antlers of a male Adirondack moose can span over six feet.
Despite their enormous size, Adirondack moose are rarely seen in the wild. The species was brought to the brink of extinction in the 1800s due to over-hunting and deforestation, and it took more than 100 years for the moose population to recover. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation reports that there are less than 200 moose sightings in the state a year.
Adirondack moose sightings may be rare, but they do happen; just ask Susan Kiesal, Steve Barnum, and Bob Zimmerman. The trio set out before sunrise one morning to explore Helldiver Pond near Moose River Plains, New York. Their crystal clear video footage shows them enjoying the breathtaking scenery while they kayak across the water. Then, as they maneuver around a bend, a large bull, or male moose, appears.
The moose appears unfazed by the humans and their boats as he stands in shoulder-deep water, enjoying a drink from the pond. The camera-person gets within a few feet of the stunning animal, and it becomes clear why so many people are intrigued by the Adirondack moose. They look almost like a prehistoric beast that would have wandered the earth with the dinosaurs.
You can watch the video, which was filmed in 2013, below:
It turns out that the moose in the video made regular appearances at Helldiver Pond for several years. The locals even named him Harold the Helldiver Moose. Unfortunately, Harold hasn't been spotted since late 2018, but a new bull moose, dubbed Bruce the Moose, seems to have taken over his territory. An Adirondack moose can live for 25 years, so Harold may still be alive and well. A male moose's home range can be as large as 52 miles, and they'll travel even further in search of a suitable mate.
If this video piqued your interest, consider taking a trip to New York for the Great Adirondack Moose Festival. Maybe you'll capture some incredible video footage of your own.
Have you ever had a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with a wild animal? Tell us about it in the comments!