UPS Driver Of Over 40 Years Retires After 6 Million Miles, Says God Is The Reason He Never Had An Accident

Apr 11, 2019 by apost team

Many long-year workers are really excited about the time of retirement. It is that long-awaited moment in which one plans on spending their time to themselves or just exploring new things. The moment of retirement was just as exciting for UPS driver Jimmy Christopher Howard.

Howard has been a UPS driver in Atlanta, Georgia since 1975. He has been a faithful employee of the company for 43 years without ever changing position. After 43 years, his driving record is crystal clean even in such a busy city as Atlanta.

While hard to believe, it is true. Howard managed to be safe at all times and retire as one of the best employees of UPS. This man, however, does not credit it to himself. He does not credit his perfect record to his own efforts.

This humble 66-year-old-man gives all the credit for his great record to a higher power. He believes that God has been with him throughout the whole time.

"'A lot of luck, but I think God’s been with me most of the way", Howard said in an interview with FOX5.

He also gives credit to the great training he received from the management staff of the company.

Howard began driving at the age of 22 and has traveled more than 6 million miles. The route that Howard covered as a UPS driver was from Atlanta to Mississippi. This means that he drove a total of average 525 miles each day.

Rokeia Gravey gave a salute to remember for Howard as he walked off in his last day of work. All the trucks on the parking gave a blast of their horns at once to thank the man with a perfect record for his long years of service.

On the social media post of this, people recognized that this was the salute one gets for such a long and perfect service. Many people commented on the post, wishing Howard a safe, fun, and relaxing retirement for a well-earned service in his field.

Howard's wife, Tammy, also joined the discussion of his retirement. She mentioned how proud she was with her husband. She told him that he deserved the very best. Although this was a bittersweet moment for Howard, she knew that the company was even more sad to see him go.

Tammy Howard knows that there are a few employees like him in the whole company or anywhere else. Howard has closed off that chapter of his life now, and it is time for him to celebrate another one.

This is how a 43-year-old career ended for one man -- with smiles, salutes, and gratitude to God who kept him safe throughout all the years on the roads of America.

Watch the whole story in the video below:

What do you think of Howard's long employment? Do you know any others like him? Do you believe that a higher power keeps us safe and coordinates our daily lives? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to spread the positive message to your friends by showing them this video!