Two Loving Parrots Participate In Adorable Human-Like Conversation
May 29, 2020 by apost team
Parrots are known to be big talkers, with their vocal abilities very impressive for an animal. When two or more parrots get together, it can even seem as if they're having a conversation.
That's exactly what happened when these two parrots were recorded hanging out with one another, with their sounds coming across as words to each other, while their kisses seem to confirm their affectionate nature.

Taking place on the kitchen counter, the two parrots are already standing together as a pair — it's as if they're best friends and perhaps gossiping with one another! The parrot on the left is a vivid green with a bright red beak, and with two rings around its neck — one yellow and one a dark shade—it almost look like it's wearing a necklace. Its companion is a gorgeous light blue with a similar bright red beak and black "necklace."
The green bird is the one who begins talking to its friend first, turning its body toward them and saying something in their shared language, which to humans sounds simply like squawking. Whatever they might have said obviously resonated with their friend, as soon after the blue bird turns to face the green one and begins to squawk back. It's as if they're having a genuine conversation, even taking turns for the other to speak and reply!

But what's even cuter is that soon their beaks touch, before the green bird begins to kiss the blue bird's head. They must be a parrot couple! The affection between them is clear and before too long, they're even making puckering kiss sounds toward each other, on top of their squawking speech.
As the video continues, the pair continue switching between "conversation" via squawks, and kisses and nuzzles with their beaks. Who knew birds were so much like us? It's adorable to see the love they have for each other.

In another video featuring the same two birds, the pair are seen sitting on the edge of a shelf. This time they're illuminated by bright daylight, making their vivid coloring even more special. Here they engage in the similar back and forth conversation that they have in the other video, and even share a kiss or two.
Although, as their affection isn't quite as strong in this video, their owner must have sensed that something is up, since she asks them, "Where's your kisses?" She then adds: "I've been good, have you been good?" The birds then continue squawking, this time as if they're including their owner in their conversation!

At the end the owner gives them a compliment, saying: "You're gorgeous you guys. You're so handsome." It's very sweet and clear that the entire family, of both humans and birds, are loving and affectionate towards one another.
What did you think of the two parrots' "conversation" and affection towards each other? Do you have any pets that engage in human-like behaviors such as talking or kissing? Let us know about them in the comments and be sure to pass this on to your family and friends to brighten their day!