Two Infants Found Alive In Upside-Down Bathtub After Kentucky Tornado

Dec 21, 2021 by apost team

Last Friday, Dec. 17, a deadly tornado ripped through Kentucky. It totaled houses in its path and even took the lives of over 70 people. But two incredibly lucky babies miraculously survived after their grandmother put them in a bathtub, despite the fact that the house they were all in was completely leveled.

Clara Lutz was looking after her grandchildren —15-month-old Kaden and 3-month-old Dallas — for the weekend when she received alerts early in the morning that the tornado was coming their way. Without any hesitation, she got her grandchildren and took them to the bathroom in the hope that they'd be safe. There, she wrapped them in blankets and placed them in the bathtub along with a pillow and a bible.

But moments later, the tornado reached the house and ripped the home completely from its foundation. She told 14 News:

“I felt the rumbling, I felt the shaking of the house. Next thing I knew, the tub had lifted and it was out of my hands. I couldn’t hold on. I just — oh my God.”

Meanwhile, the water tank from the bathroom hit Lutz in the back of the head and stunned her for a moment. Once the tornado passed and the wind calmed down, Lutz instantly began to look for her grandchildren despite the complete darkness. She told the news outlet:

“I was looking everywhere to see where the tub may be. I had no clue at all where these babies was (sic). All I could say was ‘Lord, please bring my babies back to me safely. Please, I beg thee.’”

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To her horror, Lutz's grandchildren were nowhere to be found amid the wreckage. She feared for the worst as she continued to look for the infants. But soon enough, rescuers arrived on the scene and started to help the local residents. Shortly after they found Dallas and Kaden alive underneath the bathtub, which had overturned after it was thrown from the house. Deputy Troy Blue told 14 News:

“I just heard the sound of crying or screaming coming from a distance."

He and his fellow rescuers followed the sound to the overturned bathtub and while he and another rescuer lifted it, Deputy Trent Arnold and another man pulled the boys out to safety and returned them to their grandmother. Harrowing bodycam footage was released that showed the moment the boys were rescued. Lutz told the news station about her experience being reunited with her grandchildren:

“I got in the sheriff’s car down at the end of my driveway, and it wasn’t long after that that they opened up the door and brought me Kaden, my 15-month-old. And they brought me my 3-month-old, baby Dallas." 

However, the younger boy had a "goose egg on the back of his head" and they "didn't know what was wrong," so they immediately took him to the hospital. It turned out he had some internal bleeding in the brain but thankfully it had stopped before they even arrived at the hospital.

Deputy Arnold told the news outlet he believed that Lutz saved the boys' lives when she put them in the bathtub and padded it out. He said:

“The actions that the grandmother took in placing the blankets and the pillows, all of that stuff around those kids, I think that may have been what made the difference."

What an incredibly lucky ending to such a terrifying incident. Have you ever experienced a powerful tornado like this one? Pass this on to those you know so they can read about this story too.

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