Two Guys Breakdance To 'Uptown Funk' — Onlookers Break Into Epic Flash Mob On The Boardwalk
Aug 28, 2020 by apost team
It was a nice day in Sydney, Australia. The sun was shining, people were laughing as they walked through the streets and the birds were chirping. Everything seemed to be normal. Only on this day back in 2015, an amazing street performance orchestrated by CrazyDomains was about to take place.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Uptown Funk, a popular song sung by Bruno Mars, started blaring. A man walked through the crowd, broke into a small run, and started breakdancing in the middle of the street. His friend jumped in to join him soon after. A whole mob of people then joined the two and a dance routine broke out.
While flashmobs are always a stunning sight to see, it is obvious these dancers are professionals. Their moves were perfectly choreographed and the dancers were all synchronized with each other. Despite their impressive performance, you could see joggers running past the dancers. Flashmobs must be common in Sydney!

The dancers themselves were a sight to see. They were dancing in suits, casual clothes, baggy clothes, sportswear, and even a shirt with a tie. The differences between all of the dancers show just how music and dancing can unite people from all walks of life.
The camera not only caught the performance, but it also caught the reactions of the people in the audience. You could see the excitement on their faces. They all smiled and clapped along with the performance.

At the end of the video, you could see the dancers handing out shirts and flyers. It turned out the dancers were part of a campaign for CrazyDomains, a domain hosting website. According to Thrill, the performance may have been a way to make the company go viral while doing minimal marketing.
The plan seems to have worked, too. The video has received over 9 million views on YouTube since it was posted. If this is the marketing technique of the future, it is a welcome one.
What did you think of the flashmob's performance? Were you impressed by it? Or were disappointed that it was all a marketing stunt? Let us know what you think in the comments and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!