Twin Baby Girls Fight Over A Pacifier But One On The Left Wins With Cheeky Tactic

Sep 12, 2020 by apost team

These two adorable baby girls are sitting inside with mom, but when only one twin is given a pacifier, the other makes it their mission to take it from her. The little cuties take turns snatching the pacifier away from each other, but the twin on the left is a lot more clever than her sister. Watch the video to see her winning move!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Back in 2016, the Internet was blessed with footage of these twin baby girls squabbling. The video, whose feature on America's Funniest Home Videos has garnered close to a whopping 400 million views as of this writing, shows the two sisters snatching a pacifier out of each other's mouths, leaving the other crying.

The pacifier would go back and forth four times between the tots, who are dressed in matching t-shirts (as twins do). The battle appears to be concluded when the twin in the green trousers realizes that she can deflect the grasp of her sister if she turns her head away from her.

The video is just over a minute long but who knows how long the two were going at it before and after mom rolled the camera. The question is, why is there only one pacifier for two babies?

One viewer commented, "I can't wait to see their reaction in 15-20 years when [they] see this!" Another wrote, "A battle of the ages!" These twin girls prove that you're never too young for a spot of sibling rivalry.

Who won? Tells us in the comments! Spread the cuteness and pass this adorable story along to your family and friends! 

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