Trembling Stray Dog Completely Tranforms As Rescuer Gives Her A Hug
Jul 02, 2020 by apost team
Hope For Paws volunteer Eldad Hagar arrived on the scene to witness a very frightened dog alone in the streets of Los Angeles. As he approached, the little pooch was desperate to get away, going as far as trying to escape into a corner of the wall. She eventually relented a bit when he extended his hand to her. It was enough for her to allow him to lift her up into his arms.

Stray dogs are often scared of any action from a stranger, whether they seek to help them or not. Their lives teach them that kind-hearted people are rare to find, and they rarely get somewhere to hide from the rain, or even get decent food. Dogs that have been brutalized find love rare to come by, making them shy from warming up to strangers.
An organization, Hope For Paws, seeks to change this, and they recently gave a second chance to a stray dog. The organization is based in Los Angeles, where they aim to rescue homeless dogs. In addition to saving the dogs, they take part in complicated dog rescue missions.

One day, they were called and informed about an abandoned dog in the street. They acted on the call and immediately tracked down the frail dog. The little white dog was so shy; it avoided making facial contact with the rescue team.
The dog was hiding in a concrete corner, on the streets, which was very cold. Edgar Hagar tried calling the dog in low tones, but the shy dog was so scared, it tried to hide deeper into the wall.

The dog looked frightened and nervous and trembled whenever someone wanted to approach it. The four-legged animal kept trembling, and when Edgar chose to approach the dog on the opposite side, it tried to sink deeper into the corner. Edgar commented in the video: “I didn’t want to seem threatening, so I crawled slowly towards the dog.”
The small dog stood on its hind paws, trying to hold as far as possible from Edgar. He continued, “She kept lowering her head, and I was unable to secure her.” The dog kept avoiding eye contact, and still tried to stay as far from Edgar as possible. He was determined not to leave the dog there, so stretched out his hand towards the scared dog, and this time, it gave in, and he was able to secure it.

When he managed to hold the dog, he pressed her to his arms in a comforting embrace. The dog quickly got comfortable in the embrace. Edgar decided to name her McKenzie. Edgar knew that McKenzie needed love more than she needed safety, and made sure that their first encounter would leave the dog comfortable.
He, therefore, sought to gain the dog’s trust, which he did with a warm cuddle. Edgar added, pointing out to the current hard COVID-19 times:
“We live in a world with a lot [fewer] hugs, but for McKenzie, it was what she needed the most!”

Love and compassion are not only a feeling left for the people we interact with daily. Out in the streets, a large number of stray animals seek love and shelter, something that hardly comes around. McKenzie was in a sorry state and would have probably died of the cold and other hazards, but Edgar ensured that the dog’s story changed for the better.
McKenzie now lives in better conditions, making her story one from a desperate situation to comfort and love. More and more organizations should join hands and help in rescuing these stray animals from the streets and give them a new home.
Humanity starts with our actions, especially towards helpless animals on the streets. Watch the video attached, and don’t forget to show it to our family and friends too! Light up their moments today!