To The Woman Who Loved So Hard And The Man Who Betrayed That Love
Oct 16, 2018 by apost team
Before we even begin, it is crucial that you know you aren’t a weak person. You are not less of a human being or worthless just because your heart was broken by someone you loved and cared for.

You likely feel stupid for loving someone who didn’t love you back in the way you deserved. You feel as though you are a failure and a laughing stock for all of the love you poured out. Listen carefully- you are not. You are actually quite opposite of all of those things. You have shown that you have a very strong soul.
It likely took a lot to come to terms with just how you are feeling right now. It takes a tremendous amount of strength and courage to put yourself out there for love. Even if it didn’t work out, you are showing how strong you are by dealing with the severe heartbreak you are now feeling.

You are strong for fighting a battle that you were losing. You fought for love, and that is all that matters. You put yourself in a vulnerable position that was tough to get out of.
Yes, your heart was broken in the end. But you can rest easy knowing that you did everything that you could to make it work. You gave that relationship your very best. You had to be strong to continue loving a man who was always pushing you away. He may have even been giving you a ton of reasons to hate him, but you kept trying to see the good in him.
That’s actually a very admirable trait. Where others would have given up and walked away, you stood your ground and fought. You realized that he just wasn’t worth fighting for and you made the right decision. That must have taken incredible strength and courage to do.

You are so incredibly strong. However, it is the way that you can fall in love that makes you this way. You love the way you are supposed to love- unconditionally and without restraint. You never hold your feelings back. You don’t play games with the person you love and make them wonder about your true intentions.
You aren’t shy or coy with your feelings. You put it all out there for the world to see, and that is a truly admirable trait to have. Here’s the thing- that is exactly how all love should be. No one should ever have to guess whether the person they are with actually loves them or not.
Love without restriction is the way to go. Sure, you wear your heart on your sleeve. That’s okay, though. Everyone who gets with you knows exactly what they are getting.

You are so strong because you allowed someone else to see your vulnerability. You put his needs above your own time and again, even when he never deserved it. But you also knew that you can only try so many times before the relationship is doomed. You realized that you were giving your love to the wrong person, and you did what you had to do to correct the situation.
You knew when it was time to walk away from it, even though you were so scared of being alone or single again. You were truly frightened to make that change, yet you put your fears to the side and did it anyway.
You took that first, brave step and walked away from the person who didn’t deserve your love and devotion.

So please do not be sad that your relationship didn’t work out. You gave it everything. When it didn’t work, you found the courage, necessary to walk away from it all. You are worthy of love and we are thrilled you came to the realization. The right love will come along, we promise. Until then, take comfort in knowing you have always tried your best.
Do you have anything to add about failed relationships? Let us know below in the comments with a message and pass this on to family and friends!