To The Always-Single Girl Afraid That She'll Never Find The One
Oct 10, 2018 by apost team
To the princess who hasn't found her prince...

There is hope. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. You will get to wear that dress and walk down that aisle.
I know when I was younger I felt like I needed someone in my life. But it simply wasn't true. You only need you. It can feel lonely and hopeless at times. Sometimes you feel like you are the only one that doesn't have a boyfriend, husband, or fiancé'. It can seriously feel like that movie "27 Dresses". Just know, this isn't the end. It is only the beginning of your life.

Waiting can be hard. We are all so impatient these days. This includes me. When you least expect it, he will come along. Don't look for him. Don't even try to find him. It's when you don't seek him, that he will appear. This was my experience. I had finally given up and was working on me. That's when my future husband walked right into my life. He literally walked up to me and asked me out.
I won't lie. It can hurt and it can hurt really bad. It will seem like everyone else has a boyfriend or is getting married. I spent so much time in resentment. I pretended to be happy for everyone else, when in fact I was so jealous. I hated going to weddings. They always looked so happy and there I was all alone. I didn't enjoy group activities as I was usually the one who didn't have the date. A lot of times, I wasn't even invited to activities just because it would be awkward for them and me with no date.
I cried a lot during those years. I couldn't help but stress about it. It was always in my face. If I used Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, there they were. All these happy couples looking right back at me. I constantly wondered if I was going to meet my soul mate that day or the next. I truly was beginning to obsess about it. I began to give up.
Then one day, I had an epiphany. I was done with my self-pity. I finally decided that I didn't need a man in my life. I was going to enjoy life. I was done comparing myself to everyone else who I thought was so happy. I decided it was time to "find myself".

So my journey began. I started to love myself. I found the things that made me happy. I went on "self-dates". I no longer cared what everyone else was doing. I was finally happy and confident. It was then, that I prayed for God to send someone to me when he felt the time was right. I didn't care when that time was anymore. Believe it or not, a few days later, my prince charming walked into my life. It was so unexpected. I didn't even believe it for the longest time.
My prince treats me better than I ever thought I could be treated. His love for me is so deep. He loves me with no limitations. I didn't truly believe this kind of love existed. I thought it was just a fairytale that my heart desired.
While you are in this season of your life, don't lower your self-worth. If a guy doesn't treat you right, drop him. He isn't worth it. If he doesn't call, don't call him. If he speaks harsh to you, don't speak to him again. Wait on your prince charming.

And again, the wait can be hard but just hold on. Find yourself, love yourself and just keep pushing forward. There is a reason he hasn't come along yet. Maybe you need to learn some things about yourself. The right time is coming and it will be better than you ever imagined.
Your fairytale awaits, princess.
What has your journey to finding true love been like? Let us know in the comments and show this to your happily single friends and family!