To My Dear Friends - I Hope You’ll Not Leave
Nov 05, 2018 by apost team
When you're in high school and college, it often seems like the best time of your life because of the friends you make and the activities that keep you busy. You think that some of the people you talk to will be around for years. During this time, you prepare for life events and what you'll possibly face.

As the years go by, some of the people you thought would be around for years tend to drift away. They begin lives of their own in other areas with their own families. There are some who don't even bother to offer a goodbye when they leave. Everyone parts and goes their own way after spending the best times together.
You might see someone and offer a random greeting or send a message to someone to find out how they are doing. Most people now live in the world that they have created, not concerned with how things used to be only a few years ago.
You realize that you're an adult and that it's time to get over the feeling of being in high school and longing for the same social interaction. However, the memories that you created don't just go away overnight.

There are a few friends who have managed to stick around. When you ask them if they plan to stay, they often reply that they will instead of losing touch with each other like everyone else. You know that this will likely change in a few years.
You can't control what happens in life and who will stay or leave. Until that moment comes, be happy with who you still have. Enjoy the memories that ate created. Vow to stay connected with each other in different ways if you can't see each other all the time.
Calling someone shouldn't make you feel like you've been away for years. Spending time with each other should feel like it did in years past. There should be laughing and crying, feelings that are shared that are new normals for your lives. Be the friend the other person needs, understanding that adult life can be a challenge at times.

Even though you might not talk to each other every day, keep that person in your thoughts. Let the other person know that you'll always be the friend that you've been through the years as you share new life experiences together and overcome new obstacles.
The friendships that you develop with other people should be those that you cherish. It should be easy to pick up the phone and call someone and have a conversation like you did when you were younger. There shouldn't be any kind of fear associated with talking to someone you know as a friend.
There will be true friends who you will have in your life. These are the friends you shouldn't let go and who you should strive to stay in contact with. When you find that friend you cherish, ask that they will stay no matter what.

Let someone know how much you miss them and value them. Send this article to your most cherished friends.