Tips To Be The Modern Mom Your Kids Deserve

Jun 18, 2018 by apost team

If you asked three generations of women what being a mother looks like, chances are they would all tell you that it’s having the best interests of your kids in mind, caring for them, and providing for their needs. However, they would also each paint you a completely different picture of motherhood. That’s because the concept of what a mom is has evolved over time.

Being a modern mom means that you have an all-new set of challenges to face in addition to your daily family responsibilities. Because of this, you may find yourself much more of a hovering, helicopter mom than your mom or grandmother was. Whatever style of mom you are, don’t worry. There’s no wrong way to be a loving mother. You are simply being influenced by your own instincts of how to care for your children. You, like motherhood, are always adapting and evolving to tackle whatever comes your way. 

That being said, there is always room to strive for a better relationship with your kids. Here are 4 tips you can try to up your modern mom game.

1. Teach updated street smarts

The world has changed since you were a child, and so the things you need to teach your children are much different than the things your mom taught you. One of the most important things you can instill in your children is their right to say no and the need to accept that no means no. This lesson, the importance of consent, will be extremely important for their entire lives and it’s your job as a modern mom to teach it to them.

2. Give them choices

To you, your children will always be your babies. Because of that, sometimes you may forget that they’re actually little people who don’t want to follow orders. In fact, studies show that parents who make every decision for their children often raise kids who are more anxious and depressed. Give them some independence by letting them make decisions with your guidance.

3. Make time for self-care

Everyone has probably heard the saying that once you have a child, you don’t matter anymore. The needs of your child come first. While the sentiment is nice, the modern mom knows that it isn’t true. You can’t take good care of your children if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Schedule time each day to relax and recharge. Also, make self-care the priority at least one day a week. You’ll be less stressed, and your children will thank you for your example.

4. Choose unconventional activities

In addition to the activities they already enjoy, think about expanding their horizons into areas outside of what you might pick for them normally. Activities don’t have to fit neatly into separate gender roles. Sports are a great example. 

What do you think about these modern mom tips? Which ones are you going to try? Make sure to let us know by passing this article along, and maybe get your friends in on the discussion!