Tiny Chihuahua Keeps Her Big Dog Friend From Being Dognapped

Jul 08, 2020 by apost team

Meet the small Chihuahua called Carly, who helped her big Newfie friend called Silas. The dog’s owner is Sharon Dooling and they all live together in Canada. In the video posted to Youtube in November of 2015, she gives a detailed description of what transpired.

Sharon placed Carly and her Newfoundland older brother Silas in the backyard at around 8 p.m., to give them some time to do their business before bed.

Less than 60 seconds later, Sharon heard Carly the Chihuahua barking furiously. It was like she was trying to communicate some vital information. When Sharon slanged the door open to see why she was barking, she saw a guy dragging Silas, the big dog, along the driveway!

Sharon asked the man what he was doing. He claimed to be taking his dog, but Sharon knew better. She could recognize her own dog after all. She punched him in the face and shuffled her dog to the side. Dooling admits that her immediate response of slapping the potential thief might not have been the most excellent idea; however, it was effective. After she picked up her dog, the man left and ran across the street.


She says that in some situations, you do not know what you are going to do. Many people say they may have done this or that; however, you may not know what to do until it happens.

Most individuals think big dogs are fighters, but the friendliest giants don’t know how big they are and are frequently afraid of their shadows. And the majority of dog owners recognize that it is the small dogs that have the real defiance problem. Most little dogs are the opposite because they do not realize how small they are.

But irrespective of size dynamics, it is always fun to see how large and small dogs interact—mainly if one of the two is a pup.

In the video, you can see that Carly is a small puppy who is all about adventure and activity. His larger friend has to have a lot of patience to suffer through his antics. And not only does it stop there, but Silas also allows the puppy to climb on his face. Occasionally, he pushes the puppy when it gets too rough; however, for the significant part, he shows a lot of care by allowing the puppy to play around.

Sharon urges people never to underrate the power of a small dog. They might be trivial in size; however, the battle for them is greater than most large dogs, like the Chihuahua in the video, which has shown that despite its size, it can still protect its great friend, Silas.

Sharon thanks Carly for saving her older brother from a dognapper. If she had not barked, Sharon would not have known that there was a thief nearby, and Silas would have been dognapped.

Do your dogs bark when they sense danger? Have you ever experienced something like this? Share your thoughts with us and pass this story along to your friends!