Three Tips That Will Help You Find The Right Partner

Feb 08, 2018 by apost team

Titles: Three Tips That Will Help You Find The Right Partner Is Your Partner All Wrong For You? Follow These Three Tips To Do Better Next Time Don’t Waste Your Time On The Wrong One- Three Tips To A Happy And Caring Relationship Many of us have been in this situation- you’re in a terrible, heated argument with your significant other or spouse. They are yelling and upsetting you, scaring your child, and you’re just wondering- how did I get myself into this situation? You wouldn’t hurt a soul yourself, but your loved one feels like it is OK to bully you, your kids, anytime he (or she) wants to. You keep asking yourself: “How did I get myself here?” To keep you from getting into this situation, let us look at relationships as a whole and how to avoid picking the wrong person in the first place. This guide will help you find the love of your life-one that won’t scream and scare you or belittle your feelings! #1 Choosing the Wrong Partner Most research done on relationships has shown that those who are happily married have ended up with lovers with excellent personality traits. Marital and sexual satisfaction is strongly linked to the spouse’s agreeableness and emotional stability. Is this much of a surprise? Clearly, it is much better to be with someone who is warm and agreeable than with someone who is unstable and disagreeable! Many people feel that these types of traits make the person boring. Some feel like it is ok to have to put up with moodiness or arrogance, as long as the person is attractive and fun. However, these types of people are only looking for attention and may only be available both emotionally and physically when THEY want, and not when you need them to be. They feel as if their significant other must earn their love and good mood. An arrogant spouse will expect you to do all the work in the relationship, without giving anything back in return. #2 Focusing on the Positives but Ignoring the Truths It’s easy to focus on all of the positive traits your significant other has to offer. They may have a great job, lots of friends and will lavish you with material gifts and presents. However, focusing on all of the positive traits often leads men and women to ignore the real truths about the person they are with. You may enjoy the job and gifts and ignore the fact that he or she is emotionally abusive when they don’t get their way. Maybe they only lash out when they have had a really long day or little sleep the night before, but that doesn’t make it right. It can be easy to forgive someone for these transactions when you focus on the more positive traits they have, but it still doesn’t excuse them. Being in a committed, loving relationship means being able to see the other’s faults and determine if they can be happily lived with. Belittling acts usually only get worse over time. #3 Their Arrogance Won’t Let You Leave If you try to leave the person who has treated you poorly, they may try to argue with you and say it was a one-time mistake. A humble individual will acknowledge that you were right and understand why you want to leave, but the arrogant man or woman will try to manipulate you into staying. They may remind you that they “sacrificed” a lot to be together with you or something else that will guilt you into staying put. But don’t let these comments stop you- arrogant partners often have someone waiting in the wings for these exact situations. They will simply move on and prey on someone else. It’s best to move on while you have your dignity! What to Do Next You will want to look far and wide before settling down and marrying someone. To avoid marrying the wrong type of person, keep looking. There is no shortage of single men and women in the world-just look at the hundreds of internet dating sites you can choose from! Don’t settle for anything less than the best- remember, you don’t have to. The perfect (or close-to-perfect) spouse is out there. When you are in the dating world, bear in mind that you are looking for humility while avoiding arrogance. Humility is a definite must-have in a spouse, one that is a foundation for a good marriage. Keep these tips in mind when you are scoping out potential suitors. Pay attention during your first few dates to see just how they act as they become more comfortable with you. Many times, arrogance is right at the surface, but some people hide it better than others. Once you see it, don’t waste your precious time on them. When you find the right man or woman, one who is humble and fair, you’ll be shocked to realize just how sexy they are. You’ll be free to share yourself with them and you will wonder about all the time you wasted with losers!