This Winter, If You Notice A Sock On A Car Dashboard, Here's What It Means
Nov 06, 2018 by apost team
Hopping right into your car in the morning and driving off is often not an option, especially in the winter. You’ve got to let the car run for a bit with the defroster on high blast just to get decent visibility out the windshield.
Instead of wasting that time (not to mention the gas), you can avoid the trouble by following this simple trick!
What to do
First, find a sock that has been orphaned by your dryer but left intact--there can’t be any holes in it at all. Then, open up a box of cat litter. Unless you want your car to smell like a litter box, unscented litter is recommended.
Fill up the sock with litter and seal off the open end. Tube socks work best since they’re long enough to be tied shut, but shorter socks will need a good dose of duct tape.
Once the sock is sealed, however you choose to do so, just toss it on your front dashboard when you park at night. If you want to keep your rear windshield from fogging up, you can throw one on the back dash as well.
Why it works
Why does this little trick work? As any cat owner can attest, cat litter absorbs moisture very well. In fact, that’s a major part of its job. Condensation is moisture that gathers on your windshield after it gets trapped in your car.
The litter inside the sock draws the moisture in before it has a chance to gather on the windshield. The sock just keeps your dash from being covered in litter pellets.
Foggy windows are especially common in the colder months of winter. This causes a problem because the temperature inside of the car is higher than the temperature outside of the car. It’s what happens to an ice cold glass of water in the summer, just on the inside of your car: the moisture in the warmer air sticks to the colder glass.
It’s covered in condensation, just like the inside of your windshield.
Willing to give this little trick a try? Let us know how it goes for you! Know someone who might benefit from the trick? Pass this along to them to make their mornings just a bit easier.