This Video Could Haunt You: A Woman's Cause Of Headache Turns Out To Be A Spider Living In Her Ear
Aug 09, 2018 by apost team
Headaches can be some severe situations, but none of them quite compare to the spider-induced one that an Indian woman had recently. It was an incident that she will probably remember for the rest of her life. A concerned family member rushed her to a hospital in Karnataka where she saw an ENT specialist for what she said were severe headaches.
What he found was not only appalling, but it was also super frightening. No one would know how to deal with such a situation. Fortunately, the woman, Lekshmi, made it through the rough experience and is recovering nicely. The only scars that remain are the ones from the memories of such an atrocity.

Lekshmi suffered excruciating headaches and ear pains following her nap earlier that day. The pain got to where it was unbearable, and she needed someone to take her to the emergency room immediately. The doctor found something that she had only heard in horror stories previously.
There was an eight-legged spider in her ear, and apparently, he had been living there for quite some time. Ouch. Imagine the sheer fear that she must have felt after she found out what was causing her headaches. Ouch again. The horror that she must have felt feeling the spider crawling around in her ear is just unimaginable.

She said that she was terrified. Fortunately, the doctor did an excellent job of retrieving the creature and giving the woman the cure that she needed. The doctor said that he had never seen a case like that before hers. Someone else recalled a case where a man made a video about a spider crawling from out of his ear while he was on some sort of vacation.
The video looked convincing, but people later found out that the man was a professional video specialist. In other words, he doctored the video.
However, this video seems to show the truth. But check it out for yourself:
There are videos of other people around the world going through this but the incident is not as frequent as those where people get other types of objects in their ears.
Be extra careful when you fall asleep in strange places, review the video and be sure to send it your friends' way