This Simple Tip Will Eliminate Any Bad Energy At Home That You May Be Experiencing

Apr 04, 2018 by apost team

Himalayan salt lamps are pretty, but we found a better way to cleanse your home of negative energy. If you have been under a lot of stress lately or don’t feel comfortable in your home, try our simple tip to trace and remove these bad influences from your environment.

My husband and I recently moved after our kids moved out. We bought a smaller house in a nice suburb. We didn’t have any problems with our new neighborhood, but everything in our personal lives was going haywire. My husband developed health problems, our finances went bad, and we both felt stressed and unhappy.

I thought we were just feeling homesick for our old house and missing our kids. I decided to give it time. I used crystals and incense. These methods didn’t work, and my husband and I felt even more stressed than before.

I was embarrassed to have to admit it, but I asked some new friends what I should do about my problem. One new friend sent me a message and shared with me a tip she learned from a friend.

My new friend said that all I needed to do was to put three things normally found around the house into a glass of water. If you’re skeptical, read on.

What You Need:

  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/3 glass of sea salt
  • Water


Fill the glass 1/3 full with sea salt. Fill the glass the rest of the way with water and add the vinegar. Put it in the room where you have the most problems and let it sit for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, if the water in the glass has not changed color, your house is free of negative energy. If the solution has changed color or appears different, it has detected bad energy. If you find bad energy, put out a fresh glass of salt water. Repeat until the solution does not change. If you do find bad energy, pour that water down the toilet.


It is believed that this works because salt can ward off spirits and bad energy. Someone who used to live in our house must have left behind negative energy and it affected me and my husband. Our home is much happier now.

Are you going to try this at home? Let your friends know about this secret tip by clicking the button below :)