This One Simple Trick Will Make Your Rice Taste So Much Better

Sep 06, 2018 by apost team

Rice is one of the best sources of nutrition for a low cost you can find. It can be used in soups, in burritos, or as a side dish. However, did you know that there's a way to make your rice taste much more flavorful and satisfying? By learning this one trick, you can greatly improve your rice game.


If you're reaching for a spoon or ladle when cooking rice, it's time to stop. While you might think that stirring your rice is necessary, it's actually making it much more difficult to eat and enjoy. It turns out that when you stir rice, you're just making it starchier and stickier. Rice has a soft texture, but it shouldn't be a mush.

What Else?

Not stirring your rice is an important first step, but there's more to keep in mind. You want your rice to not only have a pleasing texture but also to taste delicious. You can do both with a few common ingredients. When your rice is boiling, you should toss in a dash of salt and a drizzle of oil. This will boost the taste of it tremendously.

How Hot?

Don't think you need to have your water to be absolutely scorching as you cook your rice. While a rolling boil is great before you've added the grains, you should turn down the stove when the rice has been put in. Too high means the rice will feel and taste unpleasant. If you don't have time to properly cook a pot of rice, then wait until you do. You deserve to experience the best rice possible.

The Rule Of 30s

You should wash your rice before cooking it. While it might be going into water, it also needs a proper rinse beforehand. Running some water from the sink over your rice will give it a much more desirable texture when it's finished cooking.

Ideally, you should be following the "30 times" rule. Rinse the rice 20-30 times before you cook it. If you don't have time for that, as many times as you can should do the trick!

Rice has been consumed for generations around the world. It's easy to take for granted, but we should appreciate just how much nourishment it provides us with for a low cost.

We hope that this guide has given you a new perspective on how to make your rice taste better. You can impress your friends by showing them this article. When we take the time to understand important cooking modifications, our meals can be so much more satisfying.