This One Goes Out To The Women Who Haven't Realized That He's Not Worth It
Aug 27, 2018 by apost team
Every girl has been with the wrong man at some point in time. If this girl is you, it is important for you to realize he is not worth it. You are wasting time on the wrong man while your life is passing you by. There are a lot of reasons to wake up, open your eyes and finally admit the truth. You must move on with your life without him and find the right man.

You may be the classic girl with a big heart who always falls for the wrong man. The mans who only wants the chase and does not care about anything else. The difference is you may have realized you deserve more because you have been played too many times. You can be their friend without allowing them to play you. It took you a long time to figure out he was not worth it. Now you want to help the girls who need to hear it for themselves and stop putting their lives on hold.
He is not going to change or start treating you any better. Do not give him the chance to hurt you, choose you or make up his mind. All men mature differently and he does not have the answers yet even though you do. Do not push away your family and friends for someone who will not accept the most important people in your life or the things you love. Do not let the guy refusing to put in the effort take away your beliefs of a world filled with love.

Do not change the way you look, your personality, your dreams or your passions for a guy who is unappreciative of everything that you are. Do not make a single excuse for the way he behaves. Do not tolerate one apology after another. You know what you are worth and you should not have to convince him to see it. Do not settle for being played over and over. Do not stay around long enough for him to let you down. You have already given him too many chances to apologize and he does not deserve you.
Do not wait for him to realize how it feels to be loved or for him to love, desire and appreciate you. You do not need to wait for his love in order to love yourself. Do not let him control your emotions or be afraid to be honest with him. Do not be afraid to ask him the really hard questions or to reveal the truth of who you are. Do not let his actions make you give up or blame yourself because he is unable to figure out what he wants. Do not look the other way when he is not giving 100 percent.

If he does not respond, stop texting him. Do not just sit there and wait. You need to start living your life and spending time with your friends and family. Spend your time with the people in your life who are there for you and will not let you down. Do not let the guy who does not make you feel like you are worth love make you question your own value. Keep telling yourself you deserve better because you already know you do.
You must start shooting straight. It does not matter if it has been a couple days, months or years. Stop questioning your true value and admit you deserve so much better than he is offering. You have to realize he is not worth it and let go of the doubts and worries. Let yourself find someone who is interested in everything you are and wants all of you. Someone who will genuinely love, cherish and desire all of you. The time has come to take a deep breath and trust yourself enough to take that leap.

It is time to admit you deserve better. Let go of him because your life is passing right by you. You need to start living the best life you possibly can. You must believe the stars will align and bring you a guy who deserves your love and has been waiting for you.
This post is for all the girls hurting because they are with the wrong man. You never know who might need to read this, so show it to your friends and family, and know that you may have helped someone realize that they deserve better.