This One Goes Out To Any Beautiful Soul Who Feels Unloved Right Now

Oct 05, 2018 by apost team

It is quite possible that you were alone when you awoke in bed this morning. If this is your reality it is important that you realize someone loves you.

There is someone that exists who truly has positive wishes for your health and well-being.

You should never forget that there is someone who understands the pain or negative emotions that might be present within you. You should also know that this someone is praying for you to find the relief you need. They understand your struggle intimately because it is a struggle they endure themselves.

A final message this person wants you to understand is that there is no true triumph before a walk through darkness takes place.

You may be having a difficult time at the moment with efforts to believe that such a person exists. You have given up hope of finding someone that can truly relate to you and your troubled heart. You may feel that you have no one to lean on through troubled times. It may also seem like everyone around you has this someone except you.

It is possible that the hardships you have experienced have caused you to look at yourself as a possible source of the problem. Maybe you have concluded that you are not an easy person to love and that you will not find the unconditional love you want and need from another human being.

You may have never personally met this person that understands so well the role on which you presently travel. Maybe you passed this person in a random encounter a couple of days ago. Time may reveal that this person is someone you have always known and have yet to become conscious of the good wishes they are sending your way. In any event, it is a must that you understand this person exists. Not only that, but you should know there are many of them.

What you need to do now so that you can experience this love available to you is that you first learn to believe these people exist, and then believe the love they offer to be genuine.

If you awoke alone this morning it is important that you realize you are an individual worthy of love. Regardless of how loud the voice of doubt can become inside your head, do not let this voice convince you that you are not worthy of love.

Wherever you are in life right now, you can place your hand over your own heart. Feel it beat on rhythm as your chest rises and falls. The heart you feel beating under your hand is filled with an energy called love. And no matter how much of this energy is exhausted or depleted, it refills completely always.

The energy source that beats from beneath your hand is the primary source of strength you can depend on whenever life becomes cumbersome for you. This energy will never desert you when you feel isolated or alone.

All the love necessary for happiness is located right under your hand. This includes the love of all the world's people, the vast love of the clear blue sky, the love found in depths of all the oceans of the world, and the love of the fast-rising sun.

When feeling down or alone, all that needs to be remembered is that your heart is the home of one of the greatest cosmic gifts: You!

You are a cosmic gift that is beloved by each of the stars in the sky. These stars twinkle with delight at your very existence.

You are held in a steady position in your time of need by hands that come from the earth.

You should never, not even for a moment, doubt the fact that you are loved.

Final Thought

As a child of the universe, you were created perfect in every way. This is a fact worth repeating to yourself as many times as is necessary to become a permanent part of your thought process.

Do not keep this message to yourself. We all know a person that has a temporary need to be reminded of just how extraordinary they truly are.