This Mother Of 12 Has Been Pregnant For 17 Years – And Social Media Users Are Hooked

Mar 20, 2025 by apost team

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In 2003, Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt starred in one of the most popular family movies to date, “Cheaper By The Dozen.” The story revolves around a couple navigating the chaos of being parents to 12 children. Most people would never have that many children today, except for Britni Church, a mom on social media who continues to stun netizens with her brood of 12 kids! Even more astounding? Their age differences show that she has been pregnant every year for 17 years. As if all this isn’t shocking enough, Britni is just 35. Gear up for the fascinating story of how all this came about.

Britni has amassed a substantial social media following of nearly two million followers because of her story, with many social media users keen to know just how the mom-of-12 and her husband manage their large brood. She first got pregnant in 2004 and has been pregnant every year since. In total, she has spent about 98 months of her life pregnant. 

“I think I’m done,” she told TODAY Parents with a laugh.

Despite saying this, she acknowledged that her husband, Chris Church, 32, wouldn’t mind having more children. Britni and her husband share six children together, in addition to her six children from previous relationships. Between their five girls and seven boys, the family spends $200 every month on milk alone. Here is more on their incredible story. 

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Britni sat down with Today Parents to give insights into how she manages to raise her big family and what a typical day looks like for them. 

“There’s always noise. Someone is always screaming,” she said. “But it’s just normal for us. I’m able to drown it out somehow.”

Many of her followers flock to watch her videos, satisfying their curiosity about big families. Britni is open about her life and makes sure to confirm or correct any misconceptions people may have. 

“A lot of people assume we’re on welfare – we’re not,” Britni asserted. “I get a lot of questions like, ‘Are you Catholic? Are you religious?’ I’m Pentecostal, but that has nothing to do why I have so many.”

Contrary to what many assume, Britni makes time for her children and documents herself and her kids celebrating their individual achievements on Instagram. In a video on TikTok, she also clarified the ages she was pregnant and had children. Regarding her deliveries, the mom shared:

“They were all vaginal except the triplets – with them I had a C-section.”

Many continue to be shocked by each revelation Britni shares. Contrary to what they think and despite their suggestions, there appear to be no medical issues that would stop her from having more children. She could carry more healthy pregnancies if she wished. Most importantly, Britni enjoys motherhood and adores her family.

“We are happiest when we’re all together,” she said. “We’ve got a big waterslide and we’ve been having cookouts and sitting around the fire pit. Life is good.”

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think there is such a thing as too many children, and how many are too many? Let us know, and then pass this on to everyone else with beautiful families of their own!

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