This Is What Happens When You Drink Ginger Water Every Day
Aug 24, 2018 by apost team
There are many ginger recipes out there crafted to make you feel better. Ginger is loaded with a ton of benefits that work to enhance your overall physical health. Here are some ways ginger will change the way you feel for the better.
Boost Your Immune System
For years our ancestors have used ginger to keep them from getting viruses like the flu. The antioxidants in ginger fight to keep your immune system healthy. When you consume ginger regularly you will be able to fight off other viruses and bacteria as well to maintain your health. For those who may already have a virus, ginger can be used to eliminate the symptoms.
Stomach Soother
As a result of eating too much, we are prone to feeling bloated. Ginger helps with bloating. It can take an upset stomach to one that is calm. Ginger can also improve your digestion system through stimulation that causes enzymes within your digestive system to raise in number.
Helps With Relief From Pain
Research conducted at the University of Georgia concluded that if you drink ginger before you have had a meal, pain located in your joints and muscles will be eliminated by at least 25 percent. If you are suffering from minor aches and pains, ginger can provide you with relief without having to take over-the-counter medicine.
Menstrual Cycle Pain Relief
According to research from Shahed University, ginger reduces the symptoms women face when on their period. 150 women participated in a study that concluded that ginger helps with cramps, aches in the back and pains of the head just as ibuprofen helps.
A Fat Burner
When ginger is consumed on a regular basis, it will actively burn fat within your body. It is known to target the areas of your thighs, back and waist. It is more effective when coupled with diet and exercise.
Consuming Ginger Effectively
Including ginger in your morning breakfast has been noted to help burn up 43 additional calories each day for anyone who does not take part in physical exercise. If you do this, each week you will burn 300 more calories than you would if you didn’t take the ginger. 300 calories equate to doing a full workout. Drink ginger every morning with your breakfast to take advantage of the extra calories burned without actually working out.
Drinking Ginger In Your Tea
If you would like to include ginger in your daily breakfast, you can drink it in your morning tea. After warming the water for your tea, drop a small piece of ginger in your cup of tea and leave it to steep. The ginger will be infused with your water within five minutes of sitting. Adding the juice of a lemon will further enhance the flavor of your tea while masking the taste of the ginger if it is too strong.
Drink Ginger With Your Water
It doesn’t take much to make your own ginger water and put it away in the fridge to drink when ready. You can drink it in the mornings before breakfast to get the calories burning or at night to sooth your digestive system. Just boil your water and pour in ginger that is chopped into small pieces. Add lemon juice for your taste and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before drinking.
Ginger is great for the entire family when wanting to maintain a healthy immune system, eliminate body aches and burn calories. Have you used ginger for any of the above suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!