This Is What Happens To Children Who Can't Sleep Alone

Jan 15, 2019 by apost team

All parents with children have experienced this. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, your offspring wants to cuddle up with you and your partner. You have less space and most often the child sleeps in such an awkward position that you get a little hand or foot stuck to your face. In addition, the little one also gives off a lot of heat and many parents would like this behavior of their child to finally stop, please. However, scientific research has now shown that it can be good for children to sleep in their parents' bed from time to time.

How does this happen?

Let us take a closer look at the evolution of man. Toddlers and babies could not have survived in former times without the nightly protection of their parents. They would have fallen prey to dangerous animals, for example, without their parents guarding them. In sleep, they lose control over their body and their senses. Through a close connection with their parents, a child can strengthen its connection to them. After all, they are the most important people in their small, still young life.

The child's instinct is correct Andjic

Especially in the early stages of childhood development it is important that the little ones co-sleep with their parents. By nature, this is the best time for breastfeeding, because during this time the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, is produced more by the mother's body. Breastfeeding is also important for the mental development of the child because children who are breastfed often have a higher IQ than children who are not breastfed. This has been scientifically proven.

Everything's alright - stay relaxed

Children who co-sleep their parents often have a more restful sleep, because they fall asleep more easily near their parents. This feeling also affects the next day, because only a well-rested child does not complain about fatigue the next morning. The children also see sleeping in their parents' bed as a positive experience.

From the very beginning their basic trust in their mother and father can be strengthened. If this trust exists from the beginning, the children often decide themselves to stop sleeping in their parents' bedroom, so you don't have to worry that your little one will want to co-sleep for years and disturb your nightly peace. This often even happens faster than the parents want, or think that it should happens.

Look at all the benefits your child can gain from it. Parents should be concerned about nothing more than the development of their children. Moreover, we have seen that co-sleeping is also anchored in evolution. Surely you would prefer nothing more than a well rested and relaxed child each morning. So let your child cuddle up to you in the future, enjoy their closeness and feel their warmth. Children grow up so fast and then your chance for this experience is over.

Will you still be annoyed the next time your little darling wants to cuddle up to you? You shouldn't and you should also show this article to your friends so they can see what their children's behavior is all about!