This Is The Only Exercise You Need To Improve Your Posture And Remove Fat In No Time

Oct 12, 2018 by apost team

We all have our insecurities. One of the most common ones is weight. Many people struggle with excess fat. I get it, who can abstain from sugary sweets and delicious carbohydrates? I certainly can't, which is why I understand the Santa Claus body.

Or when people ask if you're pregnant but it's just fat? It sucks, but there is a solution. It can even help with your posture. Posture can actually affect the appearance of how slim you are.

Here is the only exercise you need to get the body of your dreams, but first let's discuss the wonderful benefit of doing this workout.

This will be felt in the abs, obliques, glutes, and thighs. Your booty will look nice and toned while your abs will glisten with sweat. Back pain will diminish from and your metabolism will increase. Your posture will be perfect.


1. Sit on the floor and extend your legs out in front of you

2. Place your hands flat down near your butt. Your arms should be making a straight line

3. Put all your weight on your hands as you lift your butt in the air

4. Your body should be making a straight line just like a plank

5. Engage your core for best results

6. Lower yourself back to the ground

7. Repeat as necessary

Other tips:

Mixing two to three tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into 8oz of water will boost your metabolism. You can drink it up to three times a day. It tastes and smells terrible but it does the trick.

Drink a cold glass of water after you wake up. This will boost your metabolism and keep you alert and awake.

Reward yourself with a non-food treat when you're done working out. After you've done this exercise, treat yourself to something nice. Maybe a nice bath or facial. This encourages you to want to workout in order to receive these luxuries.

Tell us your opinion! Do you plan to use this exercise and tips?

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