This grandma seemed like she needed help going down the stairs until the music came on
Sep 29, 2016 by apost team
You will look at your grandmother with whole different eyes after reading this story!
Read this article and we guarantee that you won’t be able to stop smiling! This video will put a huge smile on your face!
At first it seems like this 88-year old grandmother couldn’t make it down the stairs by herself. Nothing unusual so far because most grandmothers at this age need a little helping hand every now and then. Then suddenly she hears the beat of the song she dearly loves: “Runaround Sue” by Céline Dion.
Within a second she’s transported back to 1961 and forgets everything around her. She drops her purse and starts dancing to the rhythm of the song. It’s endearing to see how this old granny forgets her aching body and just lets the music take over. The joy she radiates makes everyone feel just as happy.
We should all learn to take a moment every now and then to take some time for ourselves and just enjoy our lives. Life is too short to be miserable!
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